Chapter 14. Drunk Dance Parties

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♡Finally back home, not too stoked but hopefully this means more updates for you guys! xoxo♡

♡Finally back home, not too stoked but hopefully this means more updates for you guys! xoxo♡

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"I don't think he's here." Thomas said as we checked the parking lot for Christian one last time.

"I refuse to believe that, that jerk, would just leave me here alone without any words exchanged. He actually makes me travel with him everywhere." My jaw hardened.

That salty sun of a gun.

"I'll drive you home." Thomas offered generously.

"I really appreciate that." I kindly agreed as we entered his Black Camaro.

There wasn't much speaking on the way, just the casual question and answer. The silence, when it was very prominent, was not the kind of silence which usually stirred up awkward tension. It's weird to admit that it was comfortable.

Me, being fortunate, arrived to the penthouse within a short five minutes. Thomas, being the kind gentleman that he is, assisted me in the elevator to my door.

When we were outside the house Thomas and I paused, taking a break to bid each other goodnight.

"Thank you for walking me to my door and driving me home since I didn't have a ride." I smiled. He chuckled, looking down and then back up at me. The dim lighting in the hallway casted shadows onto his face which made him almost look villainous.

"It was my pleasure, honestly." He grinned. I was about to bid him my final goodbye and head inside but he leaned in and suddenly my words vanished before they could form.

He kissed my cheek and when he returned to his normal standing position, it was obvious that he regretted doing it. We both stood there awkwardly waiting for one another to say something to break the tension.

"Well, goodnight." I said, pressing my lips into a straight line and then hurriedly running into the house. I closed the door behind me and about collapsed onto it stress-fully.

"You loo- .. look funny." A drunken christian slurred his words as he rolled off the couch and onto the floor flat on his stomach.

My eyebrow arched in pure confusion. The sight in front of me seemed so surreal. I pushed myself off of the door and stood there peering at Christian. Suddenly he got up and started to dance around the couch. I tightened my jaw as hard as I could because I wanted to be furious with him but seeing him in this state was very hard to keep a complete straight face. When I felt the sides of my mouth start to turn up, despite the fact that I tried so hard to keep my face stern, I coughed to cover it up.

"Dance with me, Lovely." He ambled his way over to me with the biggest smirk on his face.

"You're out of your mind." I said, composing myself by fixing my face with a glare. His smirk only grew. "You left me by myself tonight. I'm disappointed really. You could have screwed this up. You aren't careful Christian. Irresponsible, I tell you. You were flirting with some rich pieces of plastic while I made a speech and descended the stairs only to look like a fool because my husband wasn't there to greet me until the last second. I don't know what your deal is today but I don't want any part of it if you keep screwing up like this." Finally, I had totally gotten over thinking that anything he was doing was comical. It's not. I'm absolutely furious.

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