Chapter 4. Marriage so soon..?

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♡ Hello beautiful people and welcome back to another chapter... I wanna thank those who are still reading and haven't left the book yet xD xoxo ♡

 I wanna thank those who are still reading and haven't left the book yet xD xoxo ♡

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I woke up yet again to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. As usual I didn't want to get up but today was because of different reasons. Usually I would be very tired and just want to sleep some more and even though this was part of the case I was still overwhelmed by yesterday.

I'm scared that once I get out of bed and make my way to class that secret agents will pop out of no where and take me with them. They'll tell me that my father was the president and that I'll have to go with them because now I have to be president.

Even though the government doesn't work that way, I never know anymore.

Today I decided to disregard my tiredness and get up. I lazily trudged to the bathroom to dress myself. This time I was wearing my black hoodie with some washed out skinny jeans and white converse. I washed my face and dried it with a towel.

I'm not the kind of girl who really enjoys makeup or despises it. I actually don't mind it and I do wear it, but not as much as the normal girl my age would.

I applied very minimal makeup. My face was normally clear of blemishes so I didn't add any foundation or concealer or anything of that sort. I added very little blush to my cheeks and a bit of mascara on my eyelashes. I put on some chapstick because this cold, December weather was making my lips very chapped.

I threw my hair into a messy bun at the top of my head because I didn't feel like dealing with it today.

I walked out of the bathroom expecting to see Jin dressed and ready for class, but she wasn't. She was still lying down in her bed.

I walked over to her bed and shook on her shoulders to try and wake her. She groaned groggily.

"Hey, it's time to get up, school starts in like ten minutes." I whispered. She groaned in response.

"I feel sick, Eva. Please, let me sleep today, okay?" Her voice still husky. She didn't sound too good either but it could've been because she just woke up.

"Okay," I said understanding that she didn't feel well. I walked towards the door and grabbed my school bag, ready to leave.

"I don't know when or what time I'll be back, so don't wait up on me. Sleep well." I said softly as I opened the door and left.

Today, going to class in general was frustrating me but the fact that I had to walk alone was all the more depressing.

When I was finally in the school building and sadly walking down the halls I was a bit surprised when hardly anyone noticed me. I'm not trying to sound self absorbed, it's just that you would think that if a girl from your school was swept off her feet by a charming prince the day before that people would know who that girl was and would cast curious glances, but I guess I was too average or not appealing enough for the school to know that the girl was me.

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