Chapter 2. Birthed From the Devil..?

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♡ Okay I went and changed the description for the book, so if you could read it that would be nice! I hope y'all liked the first chapter and if you're starting to enjoy my book please feel free to press that star at the bottom of your device ;) xoxo ♡

♡ Okay I went and changed the description for the book, so if you could read it that would be nice! I hope y'all liked the first chapter and if you're starting to enjoy my book please feel free to press that star at the bottom of your device ;) xo...

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This is all fake. I mean this can't be real. Can it?

"Look... Sir." I said mockingly. We were in the back of a limo. Weird, right? Christian just made me come with him while the class were either dazed in confusion or steaming with jealousy.

He sat across from me while both of the suited men sat next to him.

"I don't appreciate this. I mean come on this has to be a joke. This kinda stuff doesn't just.. happen." I said trying to come up with some kind of explanation, but I couldn't find one except for the fact that this was indeed some kind of prank.

"Look.." Christian said taking his shades off. Why was there a need to wear them? First of all it's December and it's cold here in the city. The sun is hardly out. Second of all we're in the darn car, he doesn't need to wear them. What does he think they do to him?

"I don't make the rules in my country." He was saying before I decided to chip in.

"Uhh as you can see I'm not in your country and I'm definitely a citizen of my country; therefore, your rules don't apply to me." I said sitting up straight with my head held high.

"Oh but it does. In only this case though. You are the only descendant to Queen Pearl and since there is an issue that needs to be taken care of... you will be next in throne for our country and as being chosen for your spouse I will rule alongside you." He said. I just couldn't get over his accent. It was very charming. I wish I hadn't thought that. I should be angry and never want to hear or see this man, but instead I was complimenting his voice... shame.

"I don't have to marry you." I said.

"Unfortunately you do. I have to marry you too and do you think that's going to be nice for me?" He asked almost disgusted. I was very offended. Sure I didn't look all that great, but I didn't think I was that ugly to where he would have been repulsed to marry me.

"I was joking." He rolled his eyes.

"Uh I wasn't affected by your words anyways." I said straightening my posture.

"Uh yes you were. Your face said it all." He argued.

"That doesn't matter." I was beginning to feel embarrassed and was looking for a way to break this conversation.

By ForceWhere stories live. Discover now