The balleriana and the devil

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This has got to be one of the best books and most annoying one I have ever read. I'm not going to spoil but the ending doesn't turn out the way you would think.
It is an emotional rollercoaster and I have encounter my self screaming,crying and vigorously loving the characters.

Demetria Lawson is a senior, she has a twin named deacon and two best friends Mackenzie aka Kenzie or Mac and majesty. Then there's her mom and dad who are an odd bunch of parents..lots of yelling and food eating 🧐
Hmm anyways there is also a boy named Aidain who is the schools total hottie bad boy who was supposedly "sent" to juvie for some reason.

Idk you would think me finishing the book less than 3 minutes ago would give me some memory but I guess not.


Note there is 71 chapters that are nearly each 16 pages long if you do not wish to read this book but want to know the full ass story please read below for FULL spoilers. Thank you and goodbye

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Do you really want to see this?

Maybe you should just read the story instead!

But your lazy right?


OKAY SPOILERS GUYS ILL SUMMARIZE THIS STORY RIGT UP FOR YAAA! This is a one thing thing and I won't always put out spoilers (aka the whole fucking plot) out but since the story is literally so long I'll do it.

So In the book demitria or Demi for short (she hates her name) is a ballerina making her way to auditioning for Juilliard although her parents won't let her. Since her father and mother want her to work as something else which you will learn in the story. One day on her way to school with deacon (her older twin brother by 10 Min) she bumps into this guy who we later find out is aiden

The schools Badboy who just came back from juvie. They have an argument blah blah blah. Her friends Kenzie and majesty are all "OMG NO WAY HES SOO HOT" blah blah blah

Moving on they meet again in literature and demi makes it her mission to apologize for her rude behavior only to get turned down by aiden. It doesn't stop her because she made it her life's mission to be aiden to like her...starting off with cupcakes.

Yes cupcakes


Demi gets into a car crash from seeing a dear on the road after she had saw aiden walking along the street which was far as fuck from the school do she's as deciding if she should ask him if he needed a life but got side tracked which lead her car to tumble down a hill. Aiden saw her car and was like "WTF!" But he recognized the piercing screaming of me Lawson and decided to go help. Once he pulled her out the car slide down into some holy lake thingy idk. She was then sent to the hospital


Demi found out that aiden was actually going to his happy place or safe  haven. You know that space that's all yours were go you to relax? Anyways he confessed about his dead mother and how it was his fathers fault that she's dead (ain't spoiling that tho). Later on they go to pick aidens sister Briella who's 5 and loves princesses.


Demi and aiden get together!  YAHOO
They break up
And they break up

Uh oh aidens apart of the mob!! WHOOPSIE! But why? His father is a drunk alcoholic idiot who can't take care of his kids. Meaning he doesn't work and aiden has to take two jobs one in the mob and two at a bakery!


(Okay I got really lazy so here's the points not in order tho)

Demi sneaks off to go audition for Juilliard in New York

Demi goes to the mall for prom dresses in early December or may and sees that they dress is too small so she goes to throw up in the bathroom

Why throw up though? Well if legit to mention she has an eating disorder. Caused by an incident in 6th grade. Leading to her many ex boyfriends finding that she had to date someone to love her.

Also with chase her recent ex Girlfriend who she dated for over a year only to find out that he slept with a blonde bimbo.

Next up she wanted to kill her self after being kidnapped.

Did I mention Briella was shot and nearly died?? No..okay then.

What else? Um Demi almost jumped off a bridge as I Mentioned because her family found out that she kept relapsing (throwing up) after she lied to them saying she didn't. So they were going to send her back to rehab.  For a second time

She found out in the hospital that she got into Juilliard and later on after not seeing aiden in the hospital (this was after they broke up again) he said that he got into an arts college which bingo! AIDEN IS AN ARTIST!

In the end they split and after 10 years Demi no longer relapsed and majesty got married to Jordan and had a kid named belle who was demis little god child.

Makenzie and deacon didn't last, both of them dated in high school but in the end I found out that they broke up and now she was getting married to some dude . Idk it doesn't mention him that much.

Demi got out of a relationship 8 months ago and then bumped into a teen and spilled her latte which she later found it was dum dum dduuuumm


All grown up, which you guessed it aiden was there!! Demi was a renounced ballerina! And aiden was an artist working for some company. ( I forgot)
Briella then found it that Demi was single and hint hint

"Demi are you single?"
"What I'm just asking!"
"Yes I am Briella"
"You know aiden is single right??"
"BRIELLA NO $;!:&,$&2!;@"

And so forth

That's basically it guys I did leave some parts out so if you still want to go and read it THEN FUCKING GO FOR IT!

It's an amazing book!

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