They call me trouble

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This is a story about a girl who was your average nerdy student attending highschool. She HAD two best friends but after coming towards the lunch room one day she found her friends walking out with the queen bee in well how can I put this nicely? Very sluty clothes. Yup short skirts, killer heels, boobies flying out of there tops and caked faces. Feelings confused her "friends" confronted her about being stupid and ugly. Turns out they were fake h- friends and this caused our wonderful skyler to finally decide to leave. Dealing with all of the bull crap she left school to go live with her aunt. There she learned how to be a mother trucking badass. When she came back in her senior year everyone was amazing cuz like how could they not?

Although during an incident with her ex best friend she caught the eye of a certain *cough* gang leader *cough* *cough*. So what happens when she gets dragged into an alleyway (I think I mean I finished this book yesterday and I don't remember crap) and gets knocked out only to be woken up in the back of a van to some weirdo poking her.

Will there be Love? HELL YEAH
Will there be a kidnapping? YUP
a super hot guy? DEFINITELY
SMUT? Uhh..I think so? 😂

They call me trouble

BTW some things to except is that her dad left them but he comes back. Both of her parents did something to her *cough* so- never mind. Umm the gang leader is like some son of the king of gangs in the world and whats not. And well yeah

Check out "they call me trouble"

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