Oh, Brother

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This is a story about a girl who's always wanted an older brother since she was little. Having workaholic parents who always seem to busy with work to tend to there child's needs believe that money can buy happiness. If they miss a birthday they buy her something that she wants. If she gets upset at them they buy her a gift. If she ever has any problems they would always just buy her presents in order to keep her happy. While it does seem like something that everyone would want kamea doesn't agree. One of her wishes is to have an older brother. When she was young her parents promised her that she would get one but after learning about sexual reproduction she knew that it wasn't possible. So what happens when a boy comes to her door one day saying that he's her older brother?

  Honestly I finished this book in two days and it's pretty good. The author also made another book which I plan on reading. There isn't smut so sorry folks but there is kissing scenes an whats not. The book is your typical love story kinda book but it's good. Lmao I don't really know how to explain it but just go read it for yourself.

What to expect:

A happy ending for all the main characters
Gang stuff
Whores and sluts XD
Rich parents
And finally a fun loving sarcastic girl named Kamea to make all your dr- let me stop

Check the book out

Do you guys remember when I used to publish art in one of my books. Well I made an Instagram account for it and trust me I've gotten way better. Check out my instagram at @foxlilburn12
(Unless you want my personal one XD)


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