chapter eight || full heart

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"Camila, calm down," Lauren said, grappling to get a better hold on the four-year-old that was thrashing on her lap in an attempt to get away.

"No!" Camila screamed, pressing herself away from the needle. "Want out!"

"Sweetheart, look, I'm putting the needle down," the nurse said, placing the needle back on the cart once she capped it. She knew not to push an emotionally distressed child.

"Mila, take a breath," Ally soothed, crouching in front of the chair that her wife and foster daughter sat on. "Talk to us. Tell us what's wrong."

"I d-don't –'ant!" Camila sobbed, shaking her head as she tried to pry Lauren's off from around her.

"I know. We're going to stop for now. Just tell us why it's scary," Ally said, still speaking softly since it was clearly soothing the girl.

"B-bad 'tuff," Camila sniffled, flinching when a tissue rubbed under her nose. She was still on high alert in case someone grabbed the needle again.

"Okay, what bad stuff?" Lauren encouraged, turning Camila in her lap so she could rub her back and hold her a bit closer.

"Owwie," Camila explained, pointing to the place where her scar was under her gown. "No more owwies."

"Mila, we won't let anyone do that to you again," Ally said as she brushed her fingers over the wet cheeks of the girl.

"I've paged for the doctor to come back," the nurse watching the scene explained.

"Thanks," Ally said before looking back to her foster daughter. "Do you know why we brought you to the doctor today?"

"Bad stuff," Camila said, making both women shake their heads.

"No, we would never do that," Lauren said quickly, wanting to make that clear. "We brought you to the doctor because we want to make sure that the people who did bad stuff to you before didn't hurt you too bad. We want to make sure you're healthy."

"No owwies?" Camila asked, her voice wavering as she was clearly struggling to believe both women.

"No owwies. We''ll see if the doctor can do anything else," Ally said, making the girl nod.

After a few more minutes of waiting Dr. Morris re-entered the room, a smile still on his face despite being pulled from his other tasks.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Camila is uncomfortable with the needle and we don't want to put her through that type of distress unless it's our only option," Lauren explained, making the man nod as he went over some notes.

"Well, I can get her an oral contrast material and we can probably do without the sedative. She has to stay still for over fifteen minutes, though."

"We'll do anything. Just no needles," Ally said, making the doctor nod in understanding.

"Of course. Audrey, please bring Camila an oral contrast and prepare her for the CT."

"Of course, Dr. Morris."

"See, Camz," Lauren said, giving the girl in her lap a gentle squeeze. "Ally and I will never let anything bad happen to you."

For once, Camila actually believed those words.


After the CT scan and several respiratory tests, Lauren and Ally sat with Dr. Morris to discuss his findings, both keeping an eye on Camila who fast asleep on the chairs wrapped in both their coats.

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