Chapter #1:

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Violet's POV

I struggled with my feet, running along the coast of the Great Arabian Sea. My laughter echoed through the open sky and happy clouds, my brother chasing me. 

My feat dipped in the soft sand as the hem of my shirt was pulled. The next thing I knew, I collasped on the sand, my younger brother, Chris hovering aboving me as he tickled to laugh and begged him, but he didn't budge, "Okay, fine, Chris. I'll give you the chocolates!"

"What's up with the two of you?" Dad yelled from behind us as I saw him trail towards us, "Come on, sweethearts, we'll go for a swim." he reached us and pulled out an arm for me to grab it.

"Are you kidding me? Look at the strength of the waves, they're surely planning to take someone away with them, today." I told him but he just chuckled while I gape at him. 

"Cara mia, you wanted us to come to the beach, right? Now be brave just like your dad." He laughed along with Chris, giving him a high five as I rolled my eyes at them and head towards the water. 

We swam for a while until it was time to go home, but I had already started to love the water, "Come on, we gotta go, its getting dark and the waves are getting more violent." My dad yelled. 

"Says the brave one." I mock at him as Chris laughed as my dad glared at him.

"Dad, can we stay for a bit longer, please?" I requested, giving my best puppy eyes. 

"Hey! Don't give me those eyes, they're just too cute." he groaned but kisses my forehead as I grin in victory with both my arms in the air. Chris started to dance, taking off his shirt as Dad hooted, proud of him. 

There was no one except us and both of them were distracted, so I took it as an advantage and swam further into the sea as my mind trailed off to my mother, the beauty of the fluent waves reminding me of her.

She was so beautiful, always smiling that would make Dad fell head over heals each time. Our house would always smell of fresh bacon and pancakes thanks to her obsession with them. She filled the house with love and gave every little shard of her to her family. She gave her all to me as we had a great mother-daughter bonding, I used to share all my secrets with her and she would laugh at my stupid jokes. Until it finally stopped, the echo of her melodic laughter, her warm aura which would fill the walls with comfort, her eyes which had the power to bring a smile on your lips. She took it all with her when she died, leaving into the dark, wailing for her to come back and hold me to set me free from the cage she had built inside me when she left. I wanted her to tell me it was okay when I had my first period, I wanted her to tell me she was proud of me, I wanted her to hold me, console me, listen to me, listen to what I was going through and realize how she had left a dark stain on my heart when she left. 

But, she was gone and I couldn't bring her back. 

My dad lost his smile, he stopped going to work and drank all day, he didn't talk to anyone and would always brush us off. But, he soon realized that without him, there was no life for us and he struggled his best to take place of mom. He never could, I suppose, but he surely did become the best dad in the world. 


"VIO, CAN YOU HERE ME??" Frantic shouts of my father and brother broke the train of my thoughts as I noticed I've come way too far from them without realizing, so far I barely saw their heads and the waves were starting to get very powerful. I turned around and swiftly made my way back, struggling with the pressure of water. But, my dad already reached me as he took my hand, "What do you think you're doing, young lady?" My feet barely touched and suddenly I fell on my face, water splashing as a strong, brutal wave attacked me and I lost control over my body as I was swept away. 

I continuously struggled, but there was no platform under my feet, I chocked on the water as I struggled to breath, kicking my legs hoping it would get me above. Just then strong arms wrapped around my waist as dad pulled me to him.

Just when I put my weight on him, he lost his balance but pushed me back with a great force. I fell and struggled till my feet touched the land and I regained my balance. I reach up and took a couple of deep breaths till I was stable. 

Then it hit me, "DAD!" I remember neither of us ever learnt swimming. "DAD!" I yelled with the most in me as I try to find him, but he was nowhere around my sight. The sun had set down and the waves were becoming more violent. But, I had to find him at an cost, "DAD!!!" I shouted but no clue of him. I took in a sharp breath and dive into the water, pulling out my arms and kicking my legs, hoping they would touch him, anyhow.

A wave swept me again pulling me further into the water as I struggled hard but lacked of air. The last thing I knew was I was drowning before passing out.


The Mafia and the Sold InnocentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora