Chapter #7

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Violet's POV

I stand beneath the shower in my huge bathroom and instantly winced as the cold water hit my body suddenly, but I stood still, hoping my skin would adapt to the atmosphere.

I closed my eyes as the water continued to hit my face, streaming down my body as I'm met with a comfortable sensation.

I've always loved showers, they help me wash away all the stress and calm down. I let the water caress my scalp as my thoughts drifted to else where.

When I was young, my mom used to carry me all the way into the shower while I'd be kicking and giggling out of her grasp.

"Ha Ha Ha, mommy monster is gonna throw this naughty girl into the tub!" Her sweet, melodic laughter filled my ears as I see her smiling so wide.

She was so beautiful with her big, doe, warm eyes and wavy brown hair that swayed along as she danced with me in her arms.

"Mommy, no! please!" I laughed and tried to wiggle out of her grasp, but she caried my little figure into the bathroom and then she bathed me while I splashed water on her clothes to get her wet.

"You're being so naughty, we'd have to do something about it." She sighs.

"Like gimme ice-crweam?"

She talked to me while I enjoyed the bath. Soon it was time to get out of the tub and I accidently slipped out of the surface of the tub, but she caught me in her arms in a swift move. "Mommy you're a superhero!"

"Really? why do you think so?"

"You always save me!"

"Awe, I'd always catch you baby girl and I'm gonna keep you safe and protected forever."

I sighed as the memory flashed through my mind, my bottom lip quivered as tears threatened to fall from my eyes, this time I did not hold them back and let the river of sadness stream down along with the water, my heart aching with as each one of them strolled accross my face.

How I wish you could be here, mom.

I washed myself completely, rubbing the dirt and the day's tiredness off me, immediately feeling fresh.

Grabbing a towel, I dried my hair and body and slipped into a pair of pajamas and a t shirt. After brushing my teeth, I pulled on some socks and hopped to the soft mattress on the bed, pulling up the covers to my chest as I prepared my position to sleep.
But, instead of sleeping my eyes kept fixed at the ceiling as my thoughts found there way back to...Lucas.

I don't know what he really wants from me except for his pervy desires. I mean why would a mafia leader buy a girl and keep her in his house for nothing.

Whatever the man wants, all I know is that I will have to escape soon and look for my brother, but with all the security he has around this mansion it's next to impossible and even if I did manage to escape, I don't have a strong source that I could hide behind, he's find me within seconds.

Sighing, I finally shut my eyes.

Maybe, tomorrow will bring better...

But, soon my sleep is disturbed by a knock on the door followed by a light whisper, "Violet?"

what the fuck?

I jumped to my feet and grabbed the lamp from my nightstand as a weapon to my defence.

The knocking continued as I crept my way slowly towards the door. The intruder turned the knob and I gulped before preparing myself to attack.

The door opened to reveal a surprised and confused Andrea staring at me wide eyed. "What the fuck, Violet? Why're you holding a lamp?" She exasperated as it took me a moment to realize what happened.

"Don't "whatthefuckme" You scared me too death!" I exclaimed.

"What did I do? I just knocked and when you didn't answer I came in."

"Who knocks like that in the middle of the night?"

"Who piss in their pants and grab a lamp for their defence just by a knock?" She raised a brow, keeping her hand on her hip.

"I'm leaving with a mafia, what do you expect me to do?" I sighed.

"I'm sorry, I got you scared. Anyways! Did they let you drink bear at the jail?" She wiggled her brows shutting the door behind her as she invited herself into my room.

"What?No. Why?" I asked, confused before she pulled up two bottles of bear from behind her.

"Mind if I intrude you're night?" She look up to me with puppy dog eyes, pleading me to give her company. I don't mind her company at all.

"Not at all." I smiled widely and shook my head.

"Great! I brought some cheetos aswell." We climbed into bed after she  put up a nice movie that we agreed on and I grabbed a bowl full of popcorns.

The movie was completely forgotten a while later as we just talked enjoying our snacks and since I haven't had bear in a long time it made me a little tipsy. "I still can't believe you're Lucas' sister." I said, "I mean look at him, rude, arrogant."


"And there's you, completely opposite"

"I know my brother is a real jerk, but that's what being a gangleader does to you, he has to be cold and rutheless otherwise he can't survive in the mafia." She explained, "I guess thats what he has turned into after we was chosen as a leader." She sighs and I could catch a hint of sadness in her words, so I dropped it not wanting her to be sad.

"You never tell me anything about you?" She whispered and I gulped.

That's because I don't want you to judge me.

"What would you like to know?" I smile.

"Where're your parents?" She asked and decided to tell her since it was not something I would hide.

"They died before I got into jail." I told her sadly and she reached over to hug me as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in her embrace. I'm not much of a hugger, but I don't mind her at all.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"It's okay, it doesn't bother me very much."

Sure, it doesn't.

We talked for a little while, she told me she likes cars and have a collection of vintage cars and how she'd like to show me later. I think it was cool.

A/N: Sooo, here's a new update as promised. Please, don't hesitate to tell me about your views. Hope you like it. I'll try to update as soon as possible.

Happy February!

The Mafia and the Sold InnocentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora