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Violet's POV

I woke up as the sun pierced through my eyes, waving at me. Glancing at the clock, I got out of bed, but dropped back down as pain shot through my entire body, up my spine and neck. Groaning, I made my way to the bathroom to take a hot, comforting shower. 

I brushed my teeth and got dressed into a sweatshirt and and black, skinny jeans which I found in the closet. I pull on some fluffy socks that felt heaven against my torn, blistered toes - and hurried out of my room. 

"Okay, my name is Andrea and I'll be guiding you about your job." A young girl greet me as soon as I enter the kitchen. She's dressed in a long, black, beautiful dress. I gave her a slight nod, but she just let out a groan. 

"Do you even speak?" she questions, but I just roll my eyes at her which was very rude but I don't care. 

Maybe you should, Violet because she did nothing wrong to you.

She could have ended up here like me, probably, sold to the mafia. My curiosity lurched up and so I decided to ask, "Where you sold too? You know, to these men." I frowned as she just let out a heartily chuckle and I noticed she's really pretty. 

"Nah, honey. I am Lucas' sister, you must've met him. The rude guy up there?" She point out to his office, but I was busy gaping at her. She seems totally different from him. I mean they do look alike and have same eyes, but I just can't believe she is his sister. Lucas being all too arrogant and rude, whilst she is very sweet. "You'll catch a fly." she speaks as I closed my mouth. "Don't worry, you're not the only one who got shocked." she grins.

"By the way, where have you came from? I mean if you don't mind me asking." she asks as I hesitate to answer that, she's the only one who's friendly towards me here. I don't want her to judge me. But, in the end why should I care, she'll probably get to know about me by Lucas. So why lie?

"The Central Jail." I replied honestly. Everyone had always judged me, it won't really make a difference if she does too. But, her hand came in contact with my shoulder, squeezing it sympathetically, and no matter how much I hate sympathies, I still smiled at her genuinely, glad that she didn't questioned me further.

"You should smile more often." she speaks and continue to guide for my work. 


I've been working in the kitchen since three hours, trying really hard to do accomplish this next to impossible task people call 'cooking'

Never in my life, I had thought, I would have to do something like cook, the only things I ever cooked was Raymen noodles, eggs and pancakes. But, I could bake!

Like cookies and cupcakes and brownies and pizzas.

But, here I am given the task to make alfredo ranch pasta which I have no idea how to cook and since three hours I'm just pretending to be a great chef in front of Andrea so it wouldn't bring me shame.

Andrea had became a very good company to have in less than two days, it was not long that we realized that she and I get along very well. Maybe it's all because she's very talkative. I'm not complaining, though. It's seems nice that I've found a company, it's much better than rotting myself with Lucas. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him after our last encounter.

Andrea was seated on the counter, swaying her long, thin legs and humming lightly. I still can't believe she is Lucas' sister.

"Admit it, Violet. You know nothing about the stove!" She teased playfully.

"Shut up, I do! I just have no idea about these Italian stoves." I say in my defense rather using the same tone as her.

"Oh, really? I thought American stoves could boil spaghetti with water because that is not what you seem to be doing." She laughed as she noticed I had spaghetti in a pan without water and I deadpanned myself before laughing along with her.

"You're right, I know nothing about stoves, or cooking." I said finally admitting. "But, hey! I can bake quite well. Want me to make you some of my very special cookies?" I wiggle my brows at her.

"Oh my god, yess, please!" She jumped excitedly just like a kid and I chuckle at her stupidity.

"It comes with a price though." I said as her brows knit in confusion.

"And what could that be?"

"You get me rid of this stupid pasta making task." I smirk.

"Oh, that's not a problem at all."

I baked some fresh, hot chocolate cookies for my new friend only to find her with her eyes closed, devouring the taste in utter bliss. "Wow! These are so amazing." she said causing me to smile wide.

It's the first time in years anyone had complimented me, "I'm glad you like it."

"But, I don't get it why are you mostly so pissed off?" she questions as I stupidly smile at her, not knowing how to reply to that. Well, I'm pissed off because I'm held here against my will and your brother keep annoying and scaring the shit out of me. I wanted to tell her that very desperately, but decide against it.

"Why are you always so happy?" I threw back to which she chuckled.

"I'm not always happy. It's just that my boyfriend, Christian's coming home today after two days." She told me as if she was love-struck with a wide grin on her face.

"Oh, that's nice!"                                                          **********************

A/N: Hey, guys. I am sorry, I know this is a short chapter but I can't write more right now as I already have couple of chapters with me and it'll ruin the order. 

But, don't worry, I'm charged today and fill you with updates ;)



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