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"I miss me, the old me, 

the smiling me, the laughing me, the bright me, 

the gone me :("


Violet's POV

6 years later,

"Next prisoner, Ms. Violet Hart. Role number #786." A female voice announced through the speaker situated in the corner of the hall. I was brought here with my hands cuffed, along with ten other prisoners who happened to be my companions in the jail. Today is my release date, 8th June 2017. 

I've been here since six years as I was sentenced to jail after the incident with Franco. My family disowned me being a raped, useless girl and a mainly a murderer, they feared that if I continued to be a part of them, their reputation would be ruined. Chris was put up for adoption as a part of the deal between Franco's father, Nolan Black. 

According to the deal, I agreed to hide the fact of his son raping me and I refused to give a statement against his son in the court as he feared the exploitation of his reputation. In return, I demanded my little brother's betterment as he was to put up for adoption in good hands where he would be taken great care of, while I was away.  Being an asshole, Nolan took control over all our properties my mom left for me which I was supposed to inherit as it was impossible to win the case with me being in jail. 

Since then, I have no clue what happened to Chris or where he is. But I know that I am homeless, but I want to get out of this place as soon as possible because ever since I've come here, my life had become the literal definition of hell.

The guard with me stood up and led me to the reception where I signed through some documents and they took me to the police station. But, why the hell have they brought me to police station.

"Ah, look who is finally unleashed, the wild Violet Hart." The sheriff stated as I took a minute to realize that he was the same who stood in the court room while discussing my case.

"I would suggest if you mind your own business and tell me why the hell am I here when today is my release date?" I gave him a hard, cold glare as I speak.

"Just twenty one and full of attitude, now that could be a problem, my dear." He speaks arrogantly and smirked which made my blood boil. I just hate smirks.

"Sir, do you mind answering my question. And you better cut that shit cause whatever I do with my attitude in not your concern."

"Violet, you're aware that the rest of your family had disowned you, right?" He asked as I simply nod.

"So, since you're homeless, we can't let you out of our custody." He speaks as I frowned, confused.

"That's not possible, you can't do that. I am legal and I can take care of myself. If that would be the case, New York Central Jail would have never released me."

"New York Central released you because it was time, if they had held you back, you would have protested."

"And what do you think, I won't protest now?" I glare at him as he just stared at me, expressionless. Something's off about him. I can feel it.

"Oh, sure you can but only if we let you." I swear if I had the authority I would have wiped that irritating smirk off his face. Bitch, it doesn't even look good on you. But, I can think about much satisfactory place than to be here, so I turned around and ran. But my feet were swept off the floor as a hand came in contact with my mouth and my face was suddenly covered with a black cloth bag.

"Little girls, who don't listen, get punished."

I was tied to a chair in the locker room of the police station, all vulnerable and beaten up brutally. The cloth was pulled off my head and blood trailed all over my face. But, I still manage to glare at the sheriff with cold eyes. But my brows knit together as I saw a tall, broad man standing beside him.

"How much?" he asked the sheriff as tears leaked my orbs, trailing down, reaching my as they taste like metal.

"Umm.... She's not really worth it but 1 million dollars."

What the fuck!? Human trafficking?

That was it, I was sold to a stranger. I wonder just how many more my life would take, without giving me a break since 6 years. I can't even call it a life anymore, it's worth committing suicide. But, I guess there is a point when you become to the pain, that you've gotten so used to it that you can't feel it anymore. I don't know whether to cry on my mother's death or my father's death, or because of being raped or killing Franco, not getting enough justice to even protect my brother or worse, being sold.

But, I guess that's what I deserve after what I've done. Just maybe if I hadn't trailed too far in the sea, my father would be alive today, or if I hadn't pushed Franco, he would be alive and my brother's smile would not have been put to risk. I am responsible for everything, that's what everyone has told me and that's what I believe.

"Are you deaf?!" I snapped out of my thought and noticed a man standing in front of me. His hands gripped my arms, enough for me to wince out in pain. "I asked you to get up or do I have to drag you out?" he smirked. If only he knew how much I hate smirks. Nevertheless, I scowl and noticed that my hands and legs were untied. I slowly got up, flinching from the pain as he carried me out of the police station to his range rover.

"Where are you taking me?" My voice cracked as he just walked to the door.

"Get in" he ordered, completely ignoring my question. Though, extreme stuff had happened to me, being scared would be an understatement. But right now I have to no choice except to let life lead me wherever it wants once again.


A/N: As per my promise, here you are. Enjoy!

Also, please feel free to present your views, I love it, honestly




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