Early morning peptalks

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The bed was colder then normal and I didn't like it. Spencer had been called out for his first case since he started working, it's already been two days and I'm over it. I wasn't sure what to do with myself now that he wasn't here all the time but between looking for a job and going to school full time I was keeping pretty busy.

I watched the alarm clock with disdainful eyes as I saw the numbers move closer to the time I had to get up. As the numbers clicked by, so did my mood. Normally Spencer would be giving me the daily pep talk, okay maybe it wasn't a pep talk but it got me out of bed every morning. I never realized how much I needed it until he wasn't here to give it to me.

The shrill sound of it screaming at me brought the automatic response of me throwing it at the wall. Spencer normally slept on that side, he started doing that after I broke the third one. The loud annoying sounds seemed to unlock a headache that I could already tell was going to last all day. Less then two beats later my phone started ringing.

"What?" I closed my eyes and pressed my head into the pillow. I didn't even have to look at the caller ID to know who it was.

"Get out of bed or I'll baker act you." I wrinkled my nose at the weak threat.

"You don't have the balls." I growled, letting myself sink farther into the bed as I waited for his response.

"You're going to test it?"

"Come at me babe." He laughed but at the same time I could see him shaking his head. It was likely that he wasn't laughing at the joke, but at my personality.

"Get out of bed Addi. You have school." His words were followed by my loud groan. "And you have

your doctors appointment."

"Fuck the doctor, oh wait. I'm already doing that." I could hear his face go red. He didn't reply for a second but when he did I could tell that I cheered him up.

"You're sleeping with your gynecologist?"

"No, Spencer. You're a Doctor and I'm sleeping with you. I was making a joke."

"It wasn't funny." He said seriously.

"It was hilarious." I disagreed before adding, "I don't understand why you make me go to the freaking doctors when I'm not even sick." I rolled my eyes and swung my legs over the side of our bed and moved to the bathroom.

"Addison, you're supposed to go to the gynecologist once a year once you turn 18 or after you become sexually active and you're both." He started, "not to mention your per-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, don't be talking about my business in front of your coworkers."

"I'm not in-"

"Yo Reid! Time to go."

"Uh huh. Goodbye love." I turned the shower on.

"Please go."

"I will. Now get to work. They're not paying you to watch after me." I heard the sound of a car door shut meaning he was now in close proximity with other people.

"Nobody has to pay me to watch after you." I wasn't sure what to say to that.

"I Love you, I'll see you when you Get back."

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