The Prince's Castle

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 The crunching of our small footsteps on the dirt is the only sound that can be heard, with the exception of the natural native bird calls chiming through the evergreen trees with the smell of the woods perforating my senses as Taehyung leads the ...

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 The crunching of our small footsteps on the dirt is the only sound that can be heard, with the exception of the natural native bird calls chiming through the evergreen trees with the smell of the woods perforating my senses as Taehyung leads the way through the woods. 

The afternoon sunlight creeps in through the tips of the trees with the dark shadows casted onto the ground. Leaking the natural glow through the holes in the trees as Tae Tae turns to me. The light hits his unnaturally bright gray eyes and cast a white glow on his milky pale skin. 

"Are you okay Aiden?"

 He asks as he stops in his tracks and I raise my hand to shield my eyes from the sun.

 "Yeah, I'm okay, Why wouldn't I be?" I ask and although on the surface I appeared to be an exemplary child with his shreds of innocence intact, the reality was I was far from it. 

He doesn't ebb on for more and for this I'm thankful, but in the small shrug he gave off as he turned to continue walking it was almost as if I knew he could see right through me.

 "We're here!" he announces as he points slightly to the right and I tilt my head.

 My soft whispy brown hair falling to the side with the tilt of my head and I bush it back to see the house he had talked about. 


My mouth drops and he runs up to the front stairs and leaps out of the way as the wooden plank cracks at his weight. 

"She's a little dusty, I must admit. But all she needs is a little love and attention. I mostly like it for the view." He says and I cross my arms. Looking behind the small house there were only trees as far as I could see. 

"Come on, I'll show you!" He waves me over and I cautiously approach the house. The dead leaves crunching beneath my feet as I step up to the front steps. Avoiding the crack Tae Tae had made in the pale blue floor. He kicks open the front door and a massive cloud of dust rises up.

 "A little dusty huh?" I cough as I cover my nose with my elbow to protect my face from the cloud. 

"I told you she needs some work." He says and darts inside. 

"Why is it a she?" I ask as I take my first few steps into the one room house. 

"Because usually, girls need a lot of work. At least that's what my dad says about my sister. She's always getting into some sort of trouble but her cuteness always gets to him. I wish I was still that cute." He says as he adjusts his cap so the baseball logo faces the back. 

"I think you're still cute," I mumble softly to myself as I walk across the room to the windows. Drawing back the tattered curtains which crumble to dust in my hand and breaking off the blinds until the light finally comes in through the broken window. 

I trace a small crack in the window down to the window sill and a trail of dust collects on the edge of my finger.

 "What do you think?" Tae Tae asks as he comes close to me. 

"I think it's dusty and hardly a castle." I laugh and he does too. 

"Give it a little dusting and an imagination okay." He tries to defend her and I roll my eyes before crossing to the left side of the small one-roomed house.

 There was no furniture besides a built-in bookcase with a few novels hanging loosely in the balance. In the middle of the bookcase was a large fireplace that was far too grand for such a small abandoned shack. 

I walk over to the bookcase, each footstep causing a slight creek in the dark hardwood floors as I reach the shelf

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I walk over to the bookcase, each footstep causing a slight creek in the dark hardwood floors as I reach the shelf. Grabbing the first book I could find. But the novel was in such a state of decay, the words were no longer visible and it seemed like the cover was the only thing left. 

"It's quite strange huh? For them to put a large fireplace between something so flammable. But there's something about it I find...beautiful." He says and I raise an eyebrow. 

"You're crazy Tae Tae," I shake my head and put the book back. Noticing a small wooden box situated at the back of the shelf. 

"My parents say I'm either insane or absolutely brilliant. I like to think I'm the later but sometimes I surprise myself." He says as he looks at the box I had yanked back from the sticky grips of the shelf.

 "OH! I almost forgot the view. Come on, it's the best part!" Tae Tae says as he takes my hand in his and leads me to a metal ladder on the opposite side. I would have stopped him but my other hand was still occupied with the wooden box. 

"You go first. I'll make sure you don't fall," He says I look up at the ladder.

 Giving it a once over before putting the box into the pocket of my hoodie. I clamber up the ladder. The echo from the bottom of my shoes tapping each rung fills the house and I make it through a strange hatchway in the roof. I push open the hatch, wobbling a little bit, but feel Tae Tae's hand on my back as he steadies me. 

"I've got you Aiden, just push it really hard," he reassures me and I give him a slight nod before slamming my arm into the hatch opening it.   


Sorry it was 4 am and I kind of passed out on the publish button 😂😂😂😂

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