The Prince's Paper Heart

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The cathartic tears begin to drip down my pale cheeks as Tae Tae holds me close

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The cathartic tears begin to drip down my pale cheeks as Tae Tae holds me close. We huddled close to the small fire he managed to produce in the old fireplace while water spilled in from the large hole in the roof. 

I couldn't tell him what was wrong. 

I had been threatened countless times that what happens in the house stays in the house and I was not one to face my father's wrath without making a mistake. 

But Tae Tae doesn't ask if there's anything wrong with me, it's as if he already knows. 

Holding me on his lap with his legs stretched out underneath me and his hands rubbing my back while I cried into his shoulder. 

There was comfort in the escape and an overwhelming sense of peace that comes with being in his arms. Hugging him was almost like hugging my dad, but there was something else to it. Something I was too young to distinguish as a star-crossed fate, written in the stars which feared the humbling need for revision.

Tae Tae takes his hands off my back and I can hear a loud rip coming from a piece of paper. I continue to cry for a few more moments, the tears were starting to run out and soon I was only sniffling with my little nose running uncontrollably. 

There's the sound of the crackling of the fire and a soft scratch on the floor as I turn my head to the side, still cradled in his shoulders watching him focus on something. There's a tiny little beauty mark under his beautiful gray eye and another perfectly placed on the tip of his nose. I turn further and wipe my nose with my sleeve, to see what he was up to.

 Tae Tae makes tiny folds in a piece of paper ripped from our favorite book. I watch his fingers move swiftly to form a small but compact paper heart. He then takes it and closes his eyes. Pressing the heart to his lips, giving the piece of paper the softest kiss before feeling my jacket and placing it in my pocket.

 "Whenever we are apart, and you are in the darkest corner, unable to find me. Look at this little heart and remember I may not be there in person but I am always with you in comforting spirit," 

I break away from him to look into his bright gray eyes. He smiles and ruffles my hair before closing the book and placing it back on the shelf in its casing. 

But suddenly there's another crack of lightning that hits so close it blinds us and I cry out.

 Trying to cover my eyes from the bright light that fills the room and the rumbling of the thunder makes it feel like there's an earthquake shifting our castle.

 "Aiden! Are you okay?" I can hear Tae yell by my eyes were still adjusting. 

I thought I was until the smell of smoke fills my nostrils and once my eyes recover my sight is filled with orange flames. I start to cough, choking on the thick black smoke that quickly fills the room. 


Tae Tae calls out again but I can't move. 

The fire scares me but the emptiness in my soul scares me more as I stare into the flame. It comes closer and I watch it approach with wide eyes. 

Frozen with fear as my body goes numb, weakly falling to the floor without a fight.

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