Chapter 10

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Please read the authors note at the end of this chapter!

Millie's Pov

Once I have woken up I rub my eyes and sit up. I look down the long line of people next to me and at the very end I see Y/n wrapped in Finn's arms. I jump up and dance around silently, careful not to wake anyone else up just yet. I then walk over to Noah's mattress and jump on him, my hand over his mouth so he doesn't wake everyone up when he yells at me. I put a finger up to my mouth telling him to be quite and as he sits up I point my finger over to Y/n and Finn, still cuddled up together. His expression immediately goes from sleepy to a mix of surprise and excitement. I pull him up and we do a short victory dance together before waking the others up to show them Y/n and Finn. Everyone acts equally as excited as each other and we all sit together on Gaten's mattress watching them sleep, whispering and giggling at how cute they are. Naturally, I take a couple of pictures for blackmail because what else are you supposed to do when your two co-stars end up cuddling each other in their sleep? Leave them alone? Pfft, are you kidding? I've struck blackmail gold! After around 5 minutes of creepily watching them sleep Y/n begins to stir so we quickly and quietly make our way back to our own mattresses, either pretending to be asleep or whispering to the person next to us.

Y/n's Pov

The sound of people whispering is what I hear as I rise from unconsciousness. I can't be bothered to get up now (A/N The story of my life) so I snuggle back down into me pillow. Why does my pillow feel weird? I open my eyes to adjust my pillow only to realize that my 'pillow' is Finn Wolfhard's chest. Holy shit. His arms are wrapped around me tightly and I have no idea how I didn't notice them before. This is undoubtedly one of the best and worst moments of my life. I try and wiggle out of his grip but he just mumbles something that sounds like 'don't go' and holds onto me tighter. At this point I know I'm stuck and my only two options are wait until he wakes up or wake him up myself. I decide to wait it out a bit since he can't sleep for that much longer with all the noise around us.

I turn my head to look at the rest of the cast and see them all sitting up and watching Finn and I. "How long have you been watching us?" I say with a frown. "A while." Says Gaten with a guilty look on his face. I think they can tell by my face that I want them to stop watching us and go back to doing whatever they were doing before watching Finn and I and they do. I turn my head up to the sky which is a dainty purple on its way to a light blue. After waiting for another half hour I soon lose my patience and go to wake Finn up. I turn over and admire his face before waking him. His hair is covering one of his eyes and his mouth is slightly open. His freckles that spot his face are even more adorable up close. It takes me a minute to realize how creepy I'm being and I then proceed to wake him up. I can't move my arms so I start poking Finn in the stomach until he begins to stir and eventually his eyes open slightly. I say, "Morning sleepyhead." and he responds with a, "Hey." and then shuts his eyes again. I realize that he is half asleep still so I poke him one more time and say, "Hey um sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm kinda trapped here and I was wondering if you could let me out?" His eyes open wide and he looks at our position. His cheeks go red and he quickly lets go of me.

Finn's Pov

"Hey um sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm kinda trapped here and I was wondering if you could let me out?" Says Y/n. My eyes open wide and I looks at our position. Shitshitshitshitshit, of course this had to happen with her. I can feel my cheeks going red as I let go of her. I sit up and begin to explain, "Sorry I'm kind of a sleep hugger." I awkwardly look between her and my mattress, embarrassed and ashamed. She laughs lightly and says, "It's fine, I actually liked it."

Y/n's Pov

"It's fine, I actually liked it." OH MY GOD DID I ACTUALLY JUST SAYS THAT? FUCK.

The Cast's Pov

"It's fine I actually liked it." Holy shit. She liked it.

Finn's Pov

"It's fine I actually liked it." Wait what? She liked it? I can tell she didn't mean for me to know that she did by the colour of her cheeks. "Really?" I ask, surprised. "Yeah, it was kind of nice actually. I felt safe." She replies. "Oh ok well um, maybe we could do it again sometime?" I mentally face palm. I'm not sure what I'm saying anymore. "Uh yeah, sure." She says and I watch as her smile grows. I smile back, mine just as big as hers. Obviously neither of us know what to say so we just stand there in a comfortable silence, staring into each other's eyes. At some point Caleb rudely interrupts us and says, "Breakfast time kiddos." Y/n and I break eye contact and look over at everyone else who are now heading back to the house. We start to walk over to the house with smiles still on our faces and our hands brushing against each other, putting pink in our cheeks.



Ok, ok I know you're all yelling at me through your screen right now, it's almost been a month since I last updated. ALMOST. I'm really sorry I was away at my beach house with my family and had no laptop or phone, let alone wifi to update. I've also been really unmotivated which is unusual for me but I didn't want to give you guys anything forced so I wanted to get over my unmotivated-ness and get right back to writing as soon as I could. Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer! I love you guys loads and really appreciate all the support on this book! Speaking of support, HOLY SHIT 3.4K WHAT IS GOING ON?! Anyway that's all for now but seriously, thank you guys so much.

Until next time.

P.S. Aishlynn you have every right to say ABOUT TIME. I should be ashamed.

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