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[by now, jimin's eyes were already peeping open, staring at yoongi's silhouette. "good morning, hyung," jimin greeted, with his raspy morning voice.]

"good morning jiminie, how was your sleep?" yoongi asked, unpertubed by the fact that the morning sun was glaring in his eyes. "for the first time hyung! i had good sleep, the stupid flowers weren't bothering me," jimin explained. yoongi knew where he was coming from— he'd experienced the whole "situation" for five and a half months. he chuckled and lay down on the bed beside jimin.

yoongi focused on jimin intently, noticing his every little detail— like how his blonde hair was sticking up oddly, the tiny specks of grey in jimin's eyes, and his swollen, yet adorable, puffy morning face. jimin was practically glowing in the sunlight.

jimin noticed his stares and giggled, startling yoongi out of his daze.

a calm, serene silence falls over them as they lay there, both having the same adoring smile for each other plastered over their brightly lit faces. jimin suddenly cuddles yoongi in the awkwardly small space the two had made between themselves, even though they were on a king sized bed. their limbs tangled together, and there was a small kiss shared between them, the nervousness and worries they previously felt within themselves now gone and instead replaced with serendipity and pure joy.

"jiminie," yoongi mumbled tiredly, lips brushing against jimin's as he speaks the phrase that jimin had always yearned to hear,

"i love you, i don't know what i would do without you. i'm so lucky to have met you," jimin grinned, an extremely wide smile, to be precise, and kissed yoongi back.

they paused for a while, the couple heard other members waking up. they heard a few giggles and snickers from outside their bedroom door. "those sneaky-assed seokjin and namjoon must have told them," yoongi jokingly expressed. jimin giggled softly, in fear, yet also somewhat excitingly, that the members are standing right outside their bedroom door, eavesdropping on the conversations that they were having earlier.

"yoongi hyu—" jimin whispered. abruptly, yoongi drags him up and out of the bed by his collar. he holds nothing back, kissing jimin for the umpteenth time. jimin doesn't seem to mind being cut off, smiling against his wet lips. the sensation of their bodies, lips, pressed together is ridiculously pleasant.

they kissed for what seemed like forever. yoongi was the first to release himself, afterwhich he gazed upon jimin's soft, plump lips, then shifting his gaze to jimin's widely creased eyes. jimin, however, was still hugging and was clung onto yoongi. he enjoyed it though, they both did— they savoured every second of the time they spent together.

interrupting their little romance session, a member had knocked on yoongi's bedroom door. the two, still intertwined, hastily untangled themselves. jimin lay back down on the bed and pretended to sleep while yoongi answered the door.

it was none other than jungkook. the one who never knew about yoongi's hanahaki situation in the first place. then, he realised. those darn cctv cameras. he had forgotten about the cameras in their rooms in case of any emergency. shit, he thought to himself. now they all knew, and there was no point of hiding it.

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