Chapter 1

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An: same disclaimer as its prequel. Thank you and enjoy.

Draco sat quietly in the library floor, surrounded by stacks and stacks of books. He couldn't believe it had been three months since they'd left the Thronton House and returned to Hogwarts. Everyone was doing well, albeit stressed in their last year. He and Harry didn't get to spend muchtime together, living in separate dorms and studying so often. Well, Draco was studying anyway. Blaise and Neville disappeared frequently and Draco was suspicious that they had taken up spending nights at the shrieking shack. Draco berated his friend regularly about studying and was always helping him in his father's potions class. Currently, he and Hermione were going through the mounds of books, looking for more information on Veela males, there really wasn't a lot out there. It had started out with Harry accompanying them to the library, Ron in tow as always. That had ended quickly, after only three weekends. Now, when Draco and Hermione headed to the library, Harry and Ron headed for the Quidditch Pitch. Still, every weekend night, Harry and Draco had met in the abandoned Astronomy Tower, unable to keep their hands off of each other. The Death Eaters had stopped attacking so frequently, there hadn't been attack since well before they came back. The theory was that they were terrified with Dumbledore reopening the school, strong as ever. Draco was still suspicious though, and insisted everyone carry their potions bag with them wherever they went. He'd had a fit one night when he'd caught Ron and Harry on the Pitch without it.

Sighing and closing his book shut rather forcefully, Draco sat up and looked around for Hermione,

"'Mione!" he called, not seeing her. There was a pause and then two books on a rather tall stack moved, Hermione's head popping over the top,

"Here!" She said, smiling.

"There's *nothing* in these! Every single thing I find, is something we already know. It's ridiculous." Draco pouted, laying back against the wall.

"Draco. We can't give up just yet, we'll find something. Maybe not here, but we'll find more."

"Well, it's not like it's a big deal. I mean, we know the bond strengthened. We know I can find Harry easily, feel what he's feeling- and vice versa. We know I lived." Draco sighed happily, thinking about his and Harry's first night together. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"It is a big deal, Draco. Stop mooning over Harry- you two are gross. We'll figure it out, I'll ask and see if we can go to Diagon Alley- to look in the bookstores."

"I'm just so tired of doing this." Draco said, shrugging, "let's go get some lunch."

On weekends, Draco always sat with the Gryffindors. Sitting at the large table brought back memories of when they'd officially started becoming friends and he smiled, filling his plate. Harry and Ron came in soon after Hermione and Draco, sitting beside them. Harry gave Draco a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, sitting right next to him. Sniffing the air, Draco scowled,

"You two smell gross," he said bluntly.

"We had a shower, Ferret- you're full of it." Ron said, stuffing a sausage in his mouth.

"Well if it's not you, someone very close smells very badly." Draco snapped, making a face. Hermione leaned over and sniffed Ron and then Harry.

"It's not them, Draco. If it is, I can't smell it."

"Yeah well you're not a Veela. I can smell it." Draco muttered, eating again.

Harry, Ron and Hermione began to discuss the new Defense Against the Arts professor, joking about his obvious toupe. Glancing over at Draco, Harry frowned lightly,

"you okay Draco? You look a little flushed."

"I. Am. Fine." Draco said, turning to take another bite of his cupcake, "You know what? I can't take that damned smell anymore, I'm leaving. Come find me when you're finished." He said, rising to leave. Harry grabbed his arm,

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