Chapter 11

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Harry couldn't help but to feel like something was terribly wrong. He'd felt that way for a while, ever since Narcissa and Severus had shown up, looking as though they'd been trampled by a herd of hippogriffs. Come to think of it, Harry thought, Severus had been looking worn down at school as well- he hadn't seen Narcissa until recently. Harry recognized that look as the one Snape wore when his Dark Mark was burning, and calling to him. Draco and his two parents, along with Rose and Blaise, had hidden in the basement for hours that day, just talking. Draco had never mentioned what had been said but Harry had never asked- sensing that he didn't *want* to talk about it. Still, it was effecting his lover terribly. A week ago on his birthday, he'd proposed and Draco had seemed so happy at the proposal. Yet, Harry had waken to find him gone- out in the yard with Blaise.

That next morning Draco had said nothing about it, and Harry didn't ask. He'd found that sometimes, if you just gave Draco time- he'd come around and let him know what was on his mind. It didn't look like that's what was going to happen this time either. Draco hadn't wanted to have sex either, which was highly abnormal given his horomonal state.

Stretching out in the bed, Harry rolled over to find Draco gone yet again. Most likely lurking somewhere in the house with Blaise like he used to. Harry knew Draco loved him and that he loved Draco. Yet, something in the back of his mind was screaming at him to run away, that it was about to hit the fan and spiral out of control, if it hadn't already.

Deciding to finally get up, Harry padded downstairs, listening carefully. There was a strange sound coming from around the kitchen and he couldn't quite pin his finger on what it was. Then, it hit him. Screaming coming from a charmed silent room. Draco's potions lab. Taking off at a dead run, Harry swung the door open- being nearly blasted away with Hermione's shrieking at his lover. Draco looked furious and absolutely livid and so did Blaise.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Hermione was shrieking, sobs breaking up her cries as she turned and saw Harry. She sunk to her knees and curled up in the floor, her head on her knees, slightly rocking back and forth. Over and over she repeated it, "what have you done?"

"GO MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS MUDBLOOD!" Blaise roared, grabbing Draco by the arm. Draco wrenched free, glaring at Hermione.

"Let's *go* Blaise, there's not much time," Draco said and then, as he passed Harry, "Potter. Nice knowing you." with a curt nod of his head, he and Blaise were off- moving too quickly for Harry to catch. He looked back at Hermione, still in the same position.

"Hermione? What happened?" He asked, genuine concern on his face. Ron and Neville were running up behind him now, having heard Hermione scream when Harry had opened the door.

"Oh Harry- Harry, I'm so sorry," she said, holding up several empty vials. She was covered in blood, "Harry, I tried to stop them. I was too late...too late."

"W-what happened?" Harry asked, nearing her. Hermione held out the vials, shaking.

"They're... they're abortion potions Harry," she whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear. In one of the vials was the ring Harry had given Draco, covered in blood. Harry cried out, falling to his knees. Neville rushed forward to them, kneeling with them in sort of a loose group hug. Ron stood at the door, seething.

"I'll fucking kill him." he said, so quietly that it made the room still just to hear it. It was pure rage. Ron turned to run out the door as the other three jumped up, scrambling to catch him. As soon as they entered the yard, the wards went off- sounding the alarms and a spell nearly missed hitting Ron square in the forehead. The wards shimmered and sang, alarms going off for every single charm and ward they'd set.

Still, they raced out, wands drawn now- no one really able to form a real thought. As they neared the gate they spotted Blaise and Draco, rushing through it as it slammed shut. Death Eaters were gathered all around, some with masks, some not. Harry immediately recognized Bellatrix LeStrange and Lucius Malfoy. Suddenly, Harry's scar began to hurt and he collapsed to his knees in the yard, crying out in pain. He pushed his connection to Draco, trying to feel the blonde, trying to feel his Lily. All he got back was pure joy, and that was from Draco. No Lily, no matter how Harry searched, there was no Lilly. She was gone.

Turning to look, Neville was collapsed just as he was. His face was stained with tears, sobs shaking his whole body. He was getting the same, cold, humor from Blaise. Harry cried out to him and Neville nodded, reaching out to stop Harry as he crawled desperately through the pain in his scar, trying to reach Draco. Lilly. Ron and Hermione also rushed forward to pull him back, wands never wavering in their aim. Lilly. This couldn't be happening.

"Draco!" He roared, trying to stand. Ron rushed forward to help him, leaning Harry against his chest so that he was stable.

"He's gone, boy!" A voice whispered, booming inside Harry's head, "he did just as I bid him to do, and now I have him, he's my Veela now Harry Potter!" Voldemort stepped forward from the Death Eaters, Draco looking proud on one side, Blaise looking the same on the other. Harry could clearly see that the baby bump that had once been there was gone. Lilly. Harry brandished his wand in fury, pointing it straight at Voldemort who pulled his in turn.

"My Lord!" Draco yelled, "the wards are setting back up!" He transformed into his Veelan form, and Blaise into his Magiodrago form, pulling the Dark Lord back just as the wards snapped back into place, killing all those on the inside. Harry laughed as their blood was sprayed onto the ground. His laugh stopped suddenly, shocked that he'd even done it.

"There is no other way in, my lord," Severus said, stepping forward with Narcissa at his side. "It is very old and powerful dark magic that protects this house." he added, grovelling. Hermione and Ron were yelling at Harry and Neville to get back in the house, but they couldn't.

"You can't stay in there forever, Potter!" Draco sing songed at him with a sneer. Harry had never seen him look so much like his Aunt Bellatrix. Then, just as quickly as it had begun, it was over. Voldemort and his Death Eaters were gone, leaving nothing behind but a very broken Neville and a very broken Harry. Lilly. The world went black.

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