Chapter 16

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Draco stood in front of a full length mirror, admiring his all black tuxedo, and checking his hair one final time.

"You look good, Draco, stop fretting." Hermione said from the door, holding a sleeping Lilly in her arms.

"Of course I do, I always look good," Draco said, meeting her eyes in the reflection. She smiled back at him, shaking her head. She was dressed in a soft pink floor length gown, her hair falling in loosely in soft ringlets around her shoulders, Ron's engagement ring on her own finger, "you look good too, Hermione."

Hermione glanced over her shoulder into the hallway, smiling,

"Here comes Blaise, it's time." Draco nodded, seeing a debonair looking Blaise enter the room, flashing a brilliant grin, two more black tuxedos draped across his arm. Draco arched one eyebrow delicately in question.

"Oh, the tuxes? Well, after the past almost two years we've had- between your luck, and Potter's... I thought maybe it would be wise to bring these, in case we had to change, or transform- you never know!" Blaise had a point and nodded, smiling down at his sleeping daughter.

"Yes, well, that's why we chose Thronton House," he said, gesturing around the room, "it is pretty safe. Which reminds me, the wards are up?"

"They are," Neville called, approaching, "I just checked them. Everything looks amazing Draco, it's beautiful."

"Go take your places, it's time," Severus said, having seemingly just appeared and holding out his arm. Draco bowed deeply before taking it as the others left.

Snape walked arm in arm with Draco, both the only two in all black. They stopped at the entrance and Draco peered out the door, grinning. Everything was tastefully done , mostly in white- though there were touches of emerald green and marroon. Draco had chosen Lilly's for the ceremony, and bundles of them were attached to the end of every aisle of chairs. Their friends and family, and most everyone they knew personally had been invited. Everyone had shown up, and were all patiently waiting in their seats. Draco knew most of them, even with their backs turned. McGonagall was there, and Flitwick, every Weasley- though Ron stood with Harry (and Neville) at the end of the aisle.

Blaise and Hermione were making their own way down the aisle, arm in arm now, stopping to stand and wait for Draco as he and Severus approached. Harry beamed back at Draco, as he took his place by Harry's side. Draco reached out and grabbed his hand, squeazing it lightly before they turned to Dumbledore and he began,

"Ladies, and Gentlemen, I have been asked to over see the wedding here today between Draco Snape and Harry Potter. I understand the two have written their own vows."

Harry turned to Draco, taking both his hands in his, smiling. He was shaking a bit and Draco smiled back.

"Draco, I'll be your wish and your dream and your fantasy. I'll be everything that you need; your love, hope, everything. Every day I promise I will love you more with every breath, no one will ever seperate us, nothing can. Not crazy dark wizards, not the sky falling down. I love you," he said, loudly enough for everyone to hear him though it seemed so intimate and personal as the words left his mouth, causing several people there to blush. Draco smiled,

"Harry, when you need to fall apart, I'll be there to break your fall. I will lift you up. You have changed my world, and when the monsters in your head threaten to tear you apart, I will be there. Through anything we may face, I will take your hand and support you. I will be everything that you need, and never stop loving you." Harry smiled back at Draco, the light within him shining through.

"Draco, the ring?" Dumbledore said, and Blaise handed him a silver wedding band, with a small lion cameo on it. Around the lion's neck was a large snake. As he slid it on to Harry's finger, Dumbledore spoke.

"Do you, Draco, take Harry to be your husband?" Draco nodded,

"I do."

"Do you, Harry, take Draco to be your husband?" Harry nodded,

"I do," and he slid Draco's ring onto his hand.

The reception was glorious. The amount of food and alcohol was ridiculous- and everyone was having a good time. George Weasley was busy setting off fireworks, laughing for once. Music played continously as everyone danced. Draco sat at his and Harry's table, alone, and watching. Harry was spinning around the floor, holding Lilly tightly. Neville and Blaise were slow dancing, despite the speed of the song, and holding each other tightly and even his own parents were waltzing perfectly around the dance floor. Draco paused a moment, thinking. He smiled realizing he'd never actually seen Severus Snape dance before.

"So," Ron said, startling Draco from his thoughts as he sat down beside the blonde. "Think you can keep your last name the same for a while, Ferret?" Draco actually laughed at Ron's joke and took another sip of his champagne.

"I intend to, Weasel." Ron nodded, grinning like a fool at their now friendly rivalry. Draco paused a moment, looking around, "where's Hermione?"

"With my family," Ron said, gesturing toward a table not far from them

"And you're not with her? Congratulations on the engagement by the way."

"Thank you, and no. Ginny is being insufferable, complaining. I was afraid I'd hit her, so I took my leave." Ron said, rolling his eyes.

"Complaining?" Draco asked, eyebrows arched. He'd provided the perfect party, there should be no complaining. Draco had been told of everything the red headed girl had done and said, and had let it go. Mainly because Harry had stopped him from ripping her head off, but still, he'd let it go. She had some real nerve now, complaining at their wedding. He'd not said a word about inviting *her*, knowing she was close to Harry. Okay, maybe he'd complained a bit, but she was there.

Ron was watching them now, a very concerned look on his face, and so was Harry. In fact, everyone was. Draco turned, hearing her incessantly nasal voice.

"I don't *care* what you think." Ginny was saying, far too loudly. Mrs. and Mr. Weasley looked highly upset at her, and ready to chastise her. Hermione was riled up, her brown eyes flaming with rage now.

"Oh nooo," Ron moaned, laying his head on his arm. Draco looked at him and then snapped his head back to the table just as Hermione had stood. Draco had seen that look before.

"Grow up!" She snapped, swinging her fist around to punch Ginny square in the nose. "You're such a little *brat*." she snapped before turning on her heel and stomping away, shaking her hand out as she walked toward them, taking a seat at Draco's other side and glaring at Ron, "that felt good." and Draco couldn't help but laugh. Ginny was up now, blood all over her face and nose, walking angrily toward them. Draco rolled his eyes as she approached him. She had just opened her mouth to say something else, Draco rising to his own defense when she became silent. Her mouth was open and moving, but she was silent. Ron and Hermione looked at Draco, who shrugged.

"Wasn't me." Everyone began glancing around, trying to figure out just who had cast the spell. No one would admit to it, which surprised Draco- he'd have easily thanked them and maybe even provided a reward.

Hermione drew her wand and cast another spell on Ginny, to tell who had done it. She also wanted to congratulate them. The spell swirled around Ginny Weasley before racing through the crowd, much like Regina would have, before stopping at Harry- who shrugged.

"I didn't do it, wanted to, but it wasn't me," he replied. Grinning he held up Lilly, as the spell wrapped around her. She cooed playfully, snuggling into her father's arms.

"Her first real magic," Molly Weasley said, coming over to grab Ginny and drag her off.

"Is that normal?" Harry asked, walking over.

"Well, my dear," Narcissa said, approaching, "It depends on the magical power of the witch or wizard. She's still a month or two away from being able to by normal standards. But yes, it's normal."

"Guess she's just tired of hearing it, not that I blame her." Mrs. Weasley said, dragging Ginny off, telling her off.

The End

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Cash and Burn (Sequel)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora