Chapter 3

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The next morning at breakfast, Draco made sure to stop by the Gryffindor table and tell Hermione how greatful he was for her attempted rescue. He also thanked Ron, telling him to thank his brothers as well before heading off to the Slytherin table to discuss the incident with Blaise. Harry was right behind him, taking a seat next to Ron.

"Hermione- could you please keep an eye on Draco today?" Harry asked, filling his plate and glancing over at the Slytherin table. Draco appeared to be in a heated conversation with Blaise.

"Of course Harry," Hermione said.

"Why would *you* being doing that, Hermione?" Ginny asked, sitting down.

"We have all our classes together, actually." Hermione replied, reaching over to get Harry's attention, "Harry, I wish you'd tell me where you go on weekend nights."

"No deal, 'Mione." Harry replied, grinning.

"A guy just needs his privacy sometimes, woman!" Ron said, dodging a roll.

"Well *I* think you should stay in the dorms, honestly Harry- you can't be serious about all this Malfoy stuff." Ginny said, staring right back at everyone that stared at her. Not many knew Draco was a Veela or that Harry and he were bondmates. Even a lot of the Order were kept in the dark. Most were just told that Draco and Harry were dating, after Draco and Blaise had escaped Voldemort and rescued Dumbledore. That was enough of an explanation.

"Well, that's not going to happen, Gin." Harry said, turning to glance back at the Slytherin table just as Draco looked up to meet his gaze, giving him a suggestive grin. Rolling his eyes, Harry turned back to his food.

"I'm just saying, Harry, I think you're too deep in this. He could be a Death Eater, I know he walks around with a disillusionment charm on."

Harry's eyes flashed a bright green and he slammed his fists into the table, raising to his feet. He leaned over the table, his face blank but with a deep underlying rage he snarled quietly,

"Watch your mouth." Ginny turned her chin up defiantly meeting his gaze.

"Why should I Harry, you don't know if he is or not!" She snapped.

"I know about the charm Ginny, and quite frankly it's none of *your* damned business." Harry bit back.

"Ron..." Hermione said cautiously.

"If he hit you, Ginny, I'm not going to stop him." Ron said through a mouth full of food.

"Ron!" Hermione scolded.

"What?" Ron swallowed, "I'm not."

"I'm not going to hit her," Harry growled. Hermione glanced over to the Slytherin table to see Blaise and Draco standing and heading over. Ron followed her gaze and sighed,

"I guess I've got this one," he said, "she's my responsibility afterall," he added standing and going to meet them half way. Harry had missed the interaction, not breaking his gaze from Ginny's. She, however, did notice.

"I think he should come on over, I'll tell him what I think of him myself." She snapped, leaning in closer to Harry bravely. Hermione rolled her eyes,

"Ginny, if you do that, *I* may hit you."

"And *you* Hermione, you should be ashamed! How many years has he tormented you? How many? How can you just forgive that?!" She snapped, "I just wish you would hit me."

"You don't know him, Ginny. Nor do you know his story. You need to grow up."

"I *know* my brother is dead, killed in the battle Dumbledore was supposed to have died in. I *know* another brother doesn't have an *arm* because of Lucius Malfoy. That's what I *know* Hermione."

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