Chapter 7

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Harry watched as Blaise flipped playfully end over end, showing off on his broom for Neville. They had already apologized to each other, not knowing what had posessed either of them. Ron called out and Harry spun around to see him pointing toward the castle, McGonagall was waving to them, trying to call them down. They quickly obliged.

"Boys, have you seen Draco or Hermione? Dumbledore wants to speak to all of you, and I can't seem to find either of those two."

"Hermione was in the common room when we left," Ron offered, shrugging.

"I checked there, she was gone. Miss Weasley said she'd gone off to find Draco. I can't find them anywhere, Mr. Potter?" McGonagall replied, looking concerned at Harry. He'd gone very pale.

"I can't find him. I can't find him anywhere. Blaise? Blaise find him." Harry said, becoming very concerned. While he had been concerned about constantly feeling that Draco was sleeping, he had never not been able to find his bondmate.

"I got nothing," Blaise said with a snarl, "he's not here."

Suddenly, there was a loud clanging sound and the wards around Hogwarts shimmered. Drawing her wand, McGonagall yelled,

"Get back inside! Someone has tripped the wards! GO!"

"I've got our six, go!" Blaise snarled, jumping down from his broom and transforming. The other boys drew their wands, running through the entrance with Blaise close behind. As soon as they were in, Blaise transformed again, sliding into his wizard's shape easily as the doors slammed behind him. Snape's voice was amplified magically throughout the school, warning everyone to go to their dorms and stay there.

Harry reached out to Ron, yelling,

"We have to find," the noise stopped suddenly, "them." Everyone just stood there, staring about. Some students were still running for their dorms while others were looking around, confused.

"Dumbledore's office, let's go," McGonagall said, the look on her face showing that she was obviously just as confused. Had someone not tried to enter or exit illegally?

Entering the office, the boys all had a seat ready for them. There was one there for McGonagall as well, but she chose to stand behind them, looking poised as ever. The room hadn't changed at all, Harry noted, having not looked at it while Dumbledore had been here recovering.

"Not to worry, gentlemen, the alarms *were* triggered by illegal movements on the grounds, but nothing dangerous, only our young Draco and Hermione. Unfortunately, we have no idea where they've gone- you have my sincerest apologies on that. It appears they have taken the Floo Network, accessing it illegally through the room of requirement. Again, we have no idea why, though if the room of requirement allowed it then it must have been required." Dumbledore explained, eyes twinkling.

"Thronton House," Neville said. They all nodded their aggreement, it was the only place they could think of that didn't have a Floo Name.

"We believe that something is wrong, though we can not determine what." Dumbledore said, looking thoughtful. It was Ron that asked the question they were all thinking, all dreading the answer to.

"Who made the Floo call?"

"We believe it was Miss Hermione, though the signature is loud, it still doesn't seem to match the type of signature a male Veela would leave behind."

They all seemed to take turns then, looking at Harry. Some expected him to break down, but they were all shocked at the stone cold look on his face. The look spoke nothing of emotion and everything all at the same time. Draco was infamous in Harry's heart of hearts, they all knew, and the look on his face was frightening. Someone was going to pay for this. It just so happened that Snape fluttered in at that moment, worry for his son laced delicately across his features. He only came to stand beside Harry, placing a hand reassuringly on his shoulder. Everyone in the room, except for Harry and Severus, was shocked that the Gryffindor did not lash out.

"I can't find him." Harry said plainly, his voice devoid of emotion.

"*We* will." Snape said, his voice fierce.

"Harry," Blaise tried, "you've been having problems with your connection. All could be well. Let's come up with a plan."

"Thronton House could be a threat. Blaise, you go. Do not fight if there's a problem. Come back and we will go together. If you find them send silver sparks. Ron, you check the grounds. Severus, if you would- the dungeons. Neville, check the library, Gryffindor, and the Hospital Wing. *If* they're here, we will find them. If not, meet me in the Entrance Hall in an hour, I am going to the shrieking shack."

An hour later, Harry returned to find everyone already waiting on him, Ron shooting red sparks in the air. Harry had been unable to see them while in the tunnel though he'd only been there for a moment. When he'd emerged from under the Whomping Willow, he'd nearly been smashed. Racing up to them Neville immediately began,

"no one could find anyone. Thronton House was the same as we left it. The portraits went into an uproar as soon as you left, looking for you and Snape and Dumbledore. The Fat Man said Hermione had sent him, Draco was laying in the floor and she was screaming. They don't know why or what happened. Ginny said that Hermione had been upset and looking for an anti-poison potion."

"It's pretty serious if Hermione did something illegal on school grounds, Harry. Why would she just leave and not wait for one of us after sending the portraits?" Ron said, looking as distressed as Harry felt.

"He's most likely been poisoned, that much is obvious," Harry said, feeling broken. "Where would she take him, if not the Hospital Wing... and why?"

"Maybe she was afraid of whoever did it?" Blaise offered, lost.

"That *would* explain taking him to Thronton House," Snape interjected. Harry was pacing now, back and forth on the stone steps, then he froze.

"I'm so bloody stupid. KREACHER! NOW, KREACHER!" There was a soft pop and Kreacher was there, looking visibly shaken and frightened.

"Master is asking about Master Draco? He is being in the hospital he is. Missus his screaming and screaming." Kreacher began to shiver, holding himself as he rocked back and forth, "Master Draco is being very ill. He is."

"Harry," Blaise said, transforming in front of all of them. Not asking questions, Harry jumped on while the others began to race for the gates. When they got there, Blaise turned to look at him, "Harry- go. I'll wait for the others." With a nod, Harry was gone- apparating into the night.

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