Chapter 2

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AN from the real author: In What A Terrible Mess, I misspoke, not realizing it. Bill and Fleur are married here, not Charlie. So, assume that for this story- my apologies.

When Harry awoke the next morning he rolled over to find his lover, but found only a note and a single white rose. Smiling, Harry picked up the note:

'Good morning my love,

I have gone to Diagon Alley, with Hermione, in search of more knowledge on our bond. Your birthday is coming up, so I went without you to get you a present. Or presents. Nothing dangerous, don't worry, I promise I'll just buy it this time. You and your parisitic friend are more than welcome to join us, stay out of my bags though love, you can wait. Last night was amazing, I love you.

All my love,


Harry smiled softly, raising up and getting dressed before going out to find his red headed counterpart.

Leaving the bookstore, Hermione sighed. She and Draco still had had no luck in finding anything useful about male Veelas. They had decided to try Knockturn alley and were on their way there when Draco spotted something. Grabbing Hermione's arm, he pulled her to a stop.

"What is it Draco?" she called as he rushed into a jewelry shop after the blonde. He was peering through the glass at a beautiful bracelet. It was silver and very simple, a snake wrapping around to bite it's own tail as the clasp, hanging from the bracelet was a beautiful pendant featuring a white snake carved out of bone. Two very small rubies were placed in as it's eyes. It looked a lot like Regina- the huge snake that resided at the Thronton House.

"That is perfect," Draco said, purchasing it.

"Harry will *love* that," Hermione said, nodding her approval.

Walking out of Knockturn Alley, careful not to be spotted by Harry or Ron who Draco had told Hermione were there close, they decided to get something to eat and headed to the Three Broomsticks. A man wearing all black was sitting near the door- looking slightly maniacal and very dangerous.

"Well well WELL if it isn't Salazar Slytherin's greatest FAILURE." He said upon spotting Draco and Hermione who were talking excitedly about the three different books they'd found, focusing specifically on special Veelan breeds. Draco froze, grabbing Hermione's wrist.

"Parkinson," Draco said with a curt nod, "Come on 'Mione, let's go somewhere else," he said, pulling her back toward the door. Being slightly frightened of the man, Hermione nodded, following.

"Go on you little *freak* run!" The man yelled.

"Who is that Draco?" Hermione whispered, terrified.

"Railan Parkinson, Pansy's cousin. We need to get out of here." Draco hissed, pulling Hermione in front of him so that she wouldn't be in the direct line of fire if things went badly.

Railan jumped up, strolling to stand in front of them. He sneered at them both.

"Railain," Draco said pulling Hermione behind him, "we're not looking for trouble- just shopping. In a very public place." Draco hissed the last part, trying to get the man to back away.

"Oh, so now you fuck Harry Potter and shop with mudbloods Draco? That's disgusting, absolutely grimey."

"What the FUCK did you just say Parkinson?!" Draco roared, dropping his things to the floor. Hermione cried out, grabbing for him.

"Come on Draco, he's not worth it!" but Draco jerked away from her, closing the space between he and the older Slytherin,

"got a bloody problem Parkinson? I heard you got your wand taken from you and broke in half- you wanna apologize to the lady?"

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