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Loki's POV

"You're my son. I wanted only to protect you from the truth." Said Odin.

"What because I... I... I am the monster parents tell their children about at night!" I say crying trying to keep it together.

"You know, it all makes sense now! Why you favored Thor all these years, because no matter how much you claim you love me." I say yelling.

"You could never have a frost giant sitting on the thrown of Asgard."

I wake up crying.

This happened so long ago. Why is this all reoccurring now?! I thought I was over this! I thought I got rid of all these memories. But I was wrong. These will always be with me.

    "Loki?" Said (Y/N) walking in.

    "What?" I say trying not to look at her so she doesn't see me cry.

    "I heard you threw the walls. Is everything okay?" She Asks sitting down next to me.

    "Everything is Fine." I say harshly still hissing my face.

    "Just know I'm always here for you." She says getting up to go back into her room.


    Your POV

    You wake up and notice it's 6 am.

    Ugh, why did I have to wake up so early? Guess I can go to the library do something.

   "Morning princess." Said Tony making coffee.

   "What are you doing up?" I ask yawning.

    "Couldn't sleep very well. Why are you up?" Said Tony hanging you a mug of coffee.

    "Thanks. And I woke up a couple times during the night. So I decided to get up and wonder to the library." I say taking a sip of the coffee.

   "What about Loki?" Asked Tony leaning against the counter.

    "I think he's asleep. If he wakes up. Send him to he library." I say finishing my coffee and setting the mug into the sink.

    "Okay princess." Said Tony smiling.

    You know. Tony is with Pepper But is always flirting with me. And yes, he may be good looking but is way older then me.

   "Good morning (Y/N)." Said JARVIS as you went into the library.

   "Morning JARVIS." I say as I go find a book.

    Hmm, what to read today. I don't know if I want fiction. Or non fiction. Fiction. I'll read for hours till I can't anymore. Non fiction I'll be interested but not read as long. If it's a lazy day, then I can just read a fiction book.

    You grab your favorite fiction book and start reading in your favorite chair. When you hear someone walk into the library.

Who could be down here?

"Morning Loki." I say looking up.

Loki doesn't say anything, just grabs a book and sits across from you.

"You okay Loki?" I Ask still reading.

"Everything is Fine." He says in his sarcastic voice.

"Loki, you know you can tell me." I say.

"Well I obviously don't." He says reading and refusing to look up.

Hmm. Maybe if I bring up last night. Wait no... he'd just get made at me. I don't need that. I need to get him to talk somehow.

"(Y/N) can I see you for a second? I need to ask you a question." Said Tony walking in the library.

"Of course." I say setting my book down.

"What's up?" I say walking up to him.

"I know why you were up last night." Said Tony almost whispering to you.

"How?" I ask trying to make it so Loki can't hear.

"You went into Loki's room." Said Tony smirking.

"It wasn't what you think! I went in cause I heard something that felt that it wasn't right!" I say almost yelling.

    "Sure it wasn't." Said Tony smirking still.

    "God damnit Tony! Why do you do this to me? Why put me through hell all the time." I snap at him.

    "Gets you fired up. Literally." He says looking at your hands.

    "One if these days. I'm going to catch you on fire." I say angrily.

   "I'm sorry (Y/N) I truly am. Come here." Said Tony giving you a hug.

    "Love you." Said Tony walking away.

    D-did he just say that?!

    "Wow. Didn't think you could do that?" Said Loki setting his book down.

    "Do what?" I snap at him.

    "The fire thing with your hands." He said pointing to your hands.

    "Yeah. We still have no idea how I got this power. Didn't show till the angrier I've gotten over the years." I say slipping on cold gloves.

    "What's are those for?" Asked Loki looking fascinated.

    "They cool my hands down. Bruce made them for me. He said they should cool my hands down enough to not burn anything." I say taking them off and having Loki feel my hands.

    "I'm not touching your hands." Said Loki sitting back in his chair.

    "That's the only way I can tell if thy aren't hot or cold." I say to him.

    "Fine.." Said Loki touching you hands.

    "They're cool. Aren't hot or cold." Said Loki sitting back in his chair.

    Was it that hard to do. Is touch my hands?

    "So, I forgot to say this yesterday. But you have to go through training." I say looking up at him.

    "What kind of training?" Asked Loki a little mad.

    "Up close melee." I say.


"Put your shoulder up more!" I yell to him as he hits a target.

"I'm trying as hard as I can." He snaps.

"Let's take a brake." I say throwing him a water bottle.

"This is all pointless. I have magic." Said Loki taking a drink.

"But you can't use your magic. Let's say you have never had powers. And you need up close combat. You need to know how to use Melee weapons, cause I know you can do hand to hand combat." I say sitting down.

"You know this is pointless." Said Loki sitting next to you.

"Not if you try really hard. You will get better. I did. I was finally able to control my powers when I joined SHEILD. Things will get better Loki." I say looking at him.

"Why trust me?" Asked Loki.

"Cause Everyone deserves a second chance." I say standing up.

"Oh no. We aren't doing anymore training are we?" Asked Loki

"Better." I say smiling walking out of the training area.

1050 words

Why Trust Me? (Loki x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن