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Your POV

"(Y/N), wake up we have a mission." Said Natasha coming to wake you up.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I Ask sitting up.

"7:00." Said Natasha.

"We leave in 30 minutes to go to Arizona, more details when we leave." Said Natasha walking out.

I wonder who is all going on this mission.


   "This mission, It you, me, Steve, and Loki." Said Natasha as the private jet takes off.

   "Why are we going on this mission?" I Ask.

   "Fury wanted us to be the ones on this mission, and this mission is in Arizona. A group had been spotted in a weird location in the desert. Fury wants us to check out the activities that are happening there." Steve explained.

I wonder why Fury only wanted me, Steve, Natasha, and Loki to go. I'm surprised he even wanted Loki to go with. Maybe this is one of Loki's tests.

   "It's going to be a while till we get to Arizona. So do anything till we get there." Said Steve to everyone.


"We're here!" I say happily waking up everyone who fell asleep.

"Took long enough." Said Loki stretching.

"(Y/N) and Loki go to the west side of the building. Me and Natasha will go to the east side of the building." Said Steve stepping off the Jet.

Of course, I'm with Loki. I knew Natasha and Steve wouldn't want to be. And I want to help him. I really do. But gosh can he be annoying.

"What are we even looking for?" Asked Loki.

"Apparently a group of people were hiking and saw some weird activity in this cabin." I say looking in one of the windows.

"What's that glowing color?" Said Loki pointing towards a floorboard glowing.

"We should find out." I say climbing into the window.

   "Shouldn't we say something to Steve and Natasha?" Asked Loki.

   "I mean. Yes. But they'll know if something is wrong." I say slowly lifting the floorboard that is glowing.

   "Holy shit. There's a whole lot of people down here with a lot of uranium. Maybe we should tell Steve." I say turning on my ear piece.

   "Steve. Come into he building. We have an issue." I say hoping he heard me.

   "On our way." Said Steve coming into the cabin.

   "There's a whole movement going on down there. There's a lot of uranium down there." I say pointing.

   "We need to stop this before things get worse." Said Natasha getting ready to fight.

   "Let's go in." I say grabbing out my knifes.


   Sorry. I'm lazy.

   3 days later.

   "You guys are finally back!" Said Tony happily running up to you hugging you.

   "Missed you too." I say giggling.

   "I'm going to my room." Said Loki walking in and shutting his room door.

    "Things go well?" Asked Tony letting go of you.

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