The Surprise pt 2

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Well stranger texts and Zayn Malik visiting my house were quite a surprise.My mom was indulged in a age-old conversation with him as I tired to centre my mind to what they spoke about but the thoughts that hovered me were much more stronger. I gazed at him as he gave some gestures of how he started his career in music and stuff.
He seemed to have dived in the Music Industry since childhood. He continued, when my dad walked in and that gave me a surprise too!
"Maria..I'm back. Ohh..ho Look who we have here? Zayn! How are you doing big boy?" He said as he pulled Zayn in a hug and patted him on his back.

"Well, where did I get the inspiration from?" He said and smirked playfully.

My dad's happiness was over the top, I could tell from the sparkle in his eyes.

My dad  started unpacking his bags,  when he asked Zayn out of the blue,"What brought you here son?"
He glanced over at me and said, "I was writing this..", before he could complete his sentence my dad cut him off.

"Well, Hon could you make something for these kids while they go take a walk",my mom's nodded in agreement.  I gave my dad a dirty look when he mentioned the word 'kids' and my dad giggled of course. Zayn  looked at me and slowly took my hands in his and lead me out of my house, closing the door behind us which gave a creak sound. We both chuckled.

The night was still bright, the moon didn't come out yet. Zayn sighed as he brushed his arm against mine. I looked at him nervously. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a  big chocolate bar and handed it out me.
I frowned.
"Don't you like chocolate?" He asked and placed it in my hand.

"I love....chocolate." I muttered.
Suddenly Zayn's phone rang and he picked it up.

I guess it was his manager.

"Huh..,I'm on my way. I told you I am at my friend's house!" He paused for a moment to look at me with a curled smirk and went back to the phone.

"The next shot?...Sure I'll be there in 5..hmm..bye!"
He cut him off.

"Well I need to leave Maria, I wanted to talk so much but I didn't know this would be happening. I've got a meeting. I'll catch you later.. Alright?"

" see you soon Zayn", I said and walked back to my house. He got in his black Jaguar and honked for me to turn. I waved at him and he drove away.

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