Dm between ( Rebecca Judd and Meredith)

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Beccjudd- Hey Gorgeous

Meredith- Hey Rebecca

Beccjudd-  You're back

Meredith- Yeah unfortunately I am, I wish I didn't come

Beccjudd- Sweetie You Don't deserve this, you are a tough modell

Meredith- Thanks Rebecca but, it's hard breaking up with someone without an explanation

Beccjudd-  I get ya sweetie

Meredith- So about your clothing line when do you want me to modell

Beccjudd- Is it okay if you come tomorrow

Meredith- Um.....Okay I will

Beccjudd- Thanks Meredith

Meredith- Rebecca but I'm going to be scared when I walk out in public tomorrow

Beccjudd- Why?

Meredith-  The hate the paparazzis they ask me loads of questions

Beccjudd- I'm gonna get securities for you

Meredith- Thank you

Beccjudd- See you tomorrow

Meredith- Bye Rebecca

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