Evil Glint

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It was a normal day in Paris. Adrien getting ready for school. Chloe bullying people. Sabrina doing her homework. Marinette still sleeping while everybody is already at school. Yep! A normal day at Paris. Wait! Hold up! Marinette's late for school!

Marinette POV


Ugh! Shut up stupid clock! Can't you see I'm dreaming of Adrien?! And now do me a favor and shut up! Hmmmmm Adrien is so handsome I still don't know how Adrien gets so early in school! It's not like Adrien is a superhero! ( Sure you think that Marinette) Wait! School! Shoot! I forgot! With that last thought I sprint out of bed getting ready and putting Tikki in my purse.

"Oh no no no no! I can't be late for class!" I said rushing out of the bakery and almost tripping like 5 times. Sometimes I think how the heck I got to be Ladybug!

As I open the door Chloe puts her foot infront if me and I slam myself in a really comfortable wall. Wait a minute... I've tripped so much and occasionally landing my face in a wall but this one feels somewhat different... As I slowly open my eyes I see Adrien! Sh*t I fell on Adrien! Ahhhh he's so hands- Wait! Focus!

"A-adrien I'm r-really sorry!" I stuttered as I slowly got up and sit in my seat trying to cover my blush. In the corner if my eye I see Chloe with this evil glint in her eyes. Shivers runs down my spine. Alya must have noticed my change in mood.

"Hey girl! Are you alright?" Alya asked me with concern clearly shone in her voice. I just nodded. If I knew that was the last time Alya would have shown actual concern I wouldn't have just nodded...

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