Chapter 1

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It was raining. The sky was a dark, dreary gray. Rain slashed again the windows of the bakery as Evangeline Grace Wilde flipped the sign in the door from open to closed. It was five o'clock. "Eva!" shouted Ella from the kitchen, "Your phone's ringing."

"Answer it," answered Eva, pulling the blinds on either side of the door.

"It's your dad," shouted Ella again, "He wants to speak to you."

"Why else would he call her phone, idiot?" chuckled Bruce.

Eva groaned and made her way to the back where her coworkers were getting ready to leave. "Give me the phone," she said taking it from Ella.

"Hi, Dad," she said, shooing Bruce and Ella out the back door.

"Hi, baby," said Canon, "I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"

"Of course not," smiled Eva, "I'm just getting ready to leave the shop. How's Mama?"

"That's what I called to tell you," said Canon, "I'm taking your mother to Italy on vacation. We're leaving tonight."

"When did this come up?" paused Eva, sitting on a stool in front of the counter, "I haven't heard her say anything about this."

"Well," answered Canon, "She doesn't know yet. It's an early birthday treat. You know she loves Tuscany. We'll be gone about a month."

"Unhuh," murmured Eva distractedly.

A noise at the front arrested her attention. The bell at the front door jiggled merrily and she called out, "Sorry! We're closed."

She peeked around the corner out of the kitchen and saw no one and looked around puzzled. "Sorry, Dad," she said into her cell, "Someone just came into the shop. I hope you and mom have fun."

"Oh we will," chuckled Canon.

"Dadddd," groaned Eva, "Bye."

"Bye, sweetie, love you."

"Love you dad," answered Eva and then hung up.

Eva cursed herself for forgetting to lock the front door as she stepped out of the kitchen. "Hello?" she asked.

Cautiously, she looked around her quaint shop, eyeing the rustic white tables and chairs. "Anyone here?" she asked again.

A muffled groan from behind her counter against the right wall froze her in her tracks. Eva grabbed the broom from it spot beside the kitchen door and slowly walked towards the counter. Who the hell was in her shop?
Kellan Slade Brannan was confused, angry, and injured. Racing through the pouring rain, he ignored the agony threatening to knock him off his feet. The sky was covered in low gray stratus clouds and the sky was beginning to darken. His breath came in raspy spurts as he plowed through a puddle of water standing in the street. The sirens were distant but he could still hear them, along with the shouts of men. They were coming. He couldn't keep going. The burning in his calf and shoulder intensified with every beat of his feet upon the asphalt. He didn't recognize where he was. It was after five and all the stores lining the street were closed. He desperately needed a place to rest and recoup and discover the damage done to his leg and shoulder.

Crossing the street, he began trying doors, looking for an unlocked one. A soft warm glow spread out on the sidewalk and sweet smells permeated his nose. The door was unlocked. Limping painfully, he opened the door, cursing as a bell tinkled signaling his entrance. His eyes widened when he heard a voice in the back. He looked around the quaint décor for a place to hide. Shuffling across the floor, one hand on his shoulder, and his right leg dragging behind him, he crept behind the counter as he heard a sweet voice ring out from the back room. From the looks of things, he'd guessed he'd walked into a bakery. He sank down to the floor with a grunt, light-headed and dizzy; inwardly wondering if he was going to be able to get up again. He leaned up against the wall listening to soft footsteps head his way.

He could not run anymore. He needed help. His shoulder had stopped bleeding, but his leg; he could feel the blood still seeping into his muddy jeans, mixing with the rain. He was trapped. But the bakery was warm, he was hurt, and he was tired.
First chapter is up babes!!!! Welcome to the sequel Wildies!! Cheers all round. Vote and comment your happy little butts of pretty please!

Let me know what you think! Also in case you noticed, I've changed my name. No longer am I Angel. Lol my name is actually Scarlett Darcy. It's easier to just go with that.



A Heart's Desireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें