Chapter 2

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Eva stepped around the counter and her hands trembled at the dripping wet stranger lying propped up against her wall, his eyes drooping. Her mouth gaped in amazement as her eyes roved up his muscular body to lock with mesmerizing green eyes. She finally found her voice. "Who are you?" she gasped, the broom raised.

He grinned cockily, despite his position, and said, "Your dream come true."

Eva blushed and then gasped alarmed as she saw the red smeared on her pristine cherry floor next to him. The broom dropped with a clatter as she grabbed one of the ornamental towels hanging from the counter and dropped down beside him, hurriedly putting pressure on where she surmised the blood was coming from. "You're hurt!" she exclaimed, "Did you get mugged or something?"

"Or something," answered Kellan guardedly as he hissed in pain.

His fist on his good arm clenched as he took in the small raven-haired woman bent over his leg. A swift tug ripped his jeans and she looked up at him and said, "You've been shot."

"Trust me, I know," he spat through gritted teeth.

Her gaze fell to his shoulder and she asked, "Your shoulder too?"

A sharp nod confirmed her suspicions. Her attention turned back to his leg as she said, "As soon as I get this wrapped up, I'll call the police."

His hand clamped down on her wrist, cold green eyes locked with hers again. "No," he ground out, "No cops."

Eva frowned and Kellan could literally see the suspicions swimming around inside that pretty head of hers. Her blue eyes stared at him unflinchingly as she sat back out of his reach, abandoning her task and saying, "I think you should tell me who you are and why you don't want me to call the police, right now."

He groaned in part from the pain and in annoyance. "It's none of your business," he groused, "Just patch me up as best you can and let me get out of your life. You can forget you ever saw me. No harm done."

Eva's eyes narrowed before her hands went to hips. "I think not," she said tartly, "You're in my shop bleeding out on my floor and you don't want the police? We're in downtown Jackson, Mississippi. You can't exactly blame two gunshot wounds on a hunting accident. Now you better tell me what is going on right now."

"I can't," stressed Kellan, feeling more exhausted by the minute, "The police are my colleagues."

He willed her to understand as her eyes bugged out. "You're a cop?" she asked.
Kellan shrugged and then winced as pain flared through his shoulder. "Agent Kellan Slade, FBI at your service," he said.

Eva's eyes narrowed again as she said, "Answer my other question."

Kellan sighed and said, "The police are involved in why I got shot. If they find me, they'll shoot me again and I won't make it out alive this time."

He glanced up at her to see her eyebrows scrunched in disbelief before saying softly, "If they catch up to me, and I'm with you, they'll kill you too."

"Wait, wait, wait," interrupted Eva, "You're telling me the cops are the bad guys?"

Kellan sighed but nodded and he tried to move but stopped with a moan. Eva's eyebrows bunched in concern as she knelt down by him again. "I don't know whether to believe you or not," she muttered, "I mean, the cops tried to kill you?"

"Not necessarily cops," answered Kellan, "My colleagues are the ones who want me dead."

Eva blew out a breath and then focused on getting the guy's leg to stop bleeding. She didn't know what to do. The door rattled suddenly making both Kellan and Eva jump. Kellan looked around the counter and then ducked back down. Through the door's glass he'd recognized Sullivan. They had caught up with him sooner than expected. Of course, this bakery was the only building with lights on so it made sense. He thanked God he had had the presence of mind to lock the door behind him. He looked up at Eva as she rose to her feet, wiping her hands carefully. "That's them isn't it," she stated, looking down at him.

He nodded, his pulse racing as she said, "You know, by law, I have to turn you in."

Eva looked down at him in trepidation seeing the desperation, utter hopelessness and then defeat, cross his features, his mouth drooping tiredly. Eva wavered. What if what he said was true? She liked to think she was a pretty good judge of character. Kellan had looked her in the eye as he had spoken to her and his words rang with truth. She straightened her shoulders resolutely. She had to turn him in. For her own sake.

She went to walk past him, but a firm tug on her ankle-length denim skirt stopped her. "Please," the word was a whisper past Kellan's lips.

Eva's eyes softened. She had a feeling please was not a word this giant man used very often. His green eyes were sincere and desperate.

Kellan swallowed thickly wondering how it had come to this; how it had come to the point where he was depending on a little slip of a blue-eyed woman to help him. He tugged again, dropping his eyes to the floor as he whispered again, "Please."

Eva shrugged free from his grip and Kellan's hand fell to the floor with a small thump. He didn't even have the energy to lift it again. All the fight and hope and energy that had previously made him run was gone; if she didn't believe him, there was no hope. He could not run any farther.

What do you think Eva will do?!! Hehe I already knowwwwww! Anyhoo. How's y'all's day going?

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