Chapter 3

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Eva bit her lip as a fist pounded on the front door of her bakery before steeling her nerves and walking over to the door. Opening the blinds, she yelled, "I'm sorry we're closed."

The tall, balding man standing outside her door along with two others appeared agitated. He flashed his badge and Eva unlocked the door and then stepped outside her arm holding the door. "FBI," stated the man, "My name is Sullivan. I'm here looking for a fugitive. He's highly dangerous. He's about six-foot-three, blonde, green-eyed male.

Inwardly Eva rolled her eyes thinking of said blonde man lying behind her counter almost passing out; highly dangerous my foot. The man, who appeared to be out of breath from running, hurried on. "His name is Kellan Slade," he panted, "We saw him run down this street."

Eva widened her eyes innocently pretending to be shocked. Her hand flew over her heart as she exclaimed, "My goodness. A wanted fugitive in this neighborhood?"

The man nodded and asked again, "Have you seen him?"

He tried to look over her shoulder into her shop and Eva let him as she pretended to think. She knew Kellan was out of sight behind the counter. "No," she answered and then said excitedly, "As I was locking the door a few minutes ago, I saw a man running down the opposite side of the street!"

"Could you tell what he looked like?" Asked Sullivan tersely.

Behind the counter Kellan listened to Eva give a vague answer. It had been too dark she said. The shadows had obscured his face, but he was limping. Kellan was grateful. She had saved his life. He wondered what made her change her mind. She'd been all set to turn him in a few minutes ago.

"What are you looking for this man for?" asked Eva suddenly.

"He's a murderer," answered Sullivan with a huff, "He's been stealing the drugs the department seized and selling them. He killed a fellow agent while escaping."

He turned away from the doorway and said, "Thanks for your help."

Eva nodded and went back inside, shutting the door and locking it. She hurried back around the counter and sat down suddenly. "Oh fudge nuts," she moaned, "I just lied to the police!"

Kellan grimaced as he scooted farther up the wall to a sitting position again and he said, "You'll be alright. Everything's fine."

Eva looked at him in disbelief before stating flatly, "You're in denial."

She bent over his leg and noticed that the bleeding had stopped. She met his eyes and asked, "Are both clean shots? The bullets not still in there right?"

Kellan shook his head no, and then slumped back down the wall as black dots clouded his vision. Eva looked at him in a panic. "Hey, hey, hey," she called, "Stay with me. I can't move you myself so please stay conscious."

She leaned closer and caught him before he toppled over, his head landing on her shoulder and his nose smushing into her neck. His eyelids fluttered.

"Coconut," he mumbled.

"What?" asked Eva bewildered as she struggled to sit him up against the wall again.

"You smell like coconut," elaborated Kellan, breathing deeply.

"Um thanks," chuckled Eva awkwardly before finally getting him against the wall and sitting back, her face flushed from the effort.

A few seconds later, small hands pried his own away from the gunshot wound on his shoulder. She grabbed a first aid kit from under the counter and set to work patching him up. "You can't stay here," she said, pulling his upper torso away from the wall to wrap the guaze around his shoulder.

Sure enough, there was an exit wound on his upper back just like he said. "I know," he slurred, green eyes studying her every move, "Got to get away."

"You aren't going anywhere until you heal some and explain to me how you got yourself in this mess," stated Eva determedly.

"You believe me?" asked Kellan slowly.
Eva shrugged. "I just lied to the FBI for you so yeah, I would say so."

"Can't tell you," he sighed, liking the feeling of her soft hands touching his skin.

"Excuse me?" spluttered Eva as she tied the guaze in a knot, "Yes you can and you will. When that guy, Sullivan, realizes I fed him a line, where do you think he's going to go? Here, that's where. And he's not going to be too happy I imagine. How's he involved in all this?"

"He's the top man," mumbled Kellan, his eyes drifting closed, "They set me up. They're the ones stealing the drugs and selling them. But I need evidence because right now it's my word against his. He's my superior so he hauls more weight than I do."

Eva sat back against the counter and Kellan's eyes popped open as he watched her warily. "Okay," she breathed, "I'm going to need a minute to process all this. So this Sullivan guy and the two men with him are stealing drugs. What for?"
"They're selling them; gangs, black market; to anyone that will buy them," answered Kellan tiredly, "It's quite a lucrative business. But the somebody noticed some missing and I was set up as the patsy."
Eva nodded and then said, "That's enough for now. You look exhausted. I'm going to take you home with me. You need rest."

Kellan shook his head. "You'll be a target," he protested.

Eva shook her head trying to keep up with the sudden mess thrust into her life and said simply, "I already am. Once that agent figures out I lied to him, he's going to come after me."

Kellan just looked frustrated realizing she was speaking the truth. That, and he really needed help, he realized as he tried to get to his feet. Slumping back against the wall with a sigh, he nodded, "Okay, but just for a little while."

Eva rolled her eyes and then said, "Hang on a few minutes while I make sure no one is around the back of the bakery."

Hello, Wildies! Chapter 3 is now up! Cheers!

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