Chapter 9

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Hello gorgeous! Oh my goodness Lord take me now. How have I just now found this pic of Matthew Noszka??

Eva rolled over on the loveseat and woke up with a start, catching herself just before she rolled off and hit the floor. That would have been a painful way to wake up. She sighed in relief, glancing up and checking to make sure she hadn't woken Kellan. She rubbed the grit from her eyes and yawned tiredly stretching to get the kinks out of her back.

Moonlight painted a narrow strip across the floor and onto the bed. It was the first clear night in days. Slowly rising, she left the small loveseat and padded barefoot over to the bed. She felt her heart lurch as she saw the frown on his face. He was still asleep, but from the furrow between his brows to the tight frown, she guessed he was having a nightmare. His eyes darted around beneath his eyelids, mapping out events only he could see. It was her turn to frown. It was his first sleep without a fever and apparently he couldn't make it through without a nightmare. That struck her as sad.

He mumbled under his breath, his expression growing pained, and gripped the sheets tightly in his fists. His knuckles turned white. He was very restless. Eva surmised that the only thing keeping him from thrashing was the pain of his wounds.

She wondered should she wake him. Should she? Wasn't it bad to wake someone from a nightmare? But then, she would rather anything other than the obvious pain twisting his face into such a grimace. "Kellan," she called softly.

Keeping her touch gentle, she laid her hand on his arm, running it up and down in a soothing motion. His head turned to her, his body tensing. "Shh," she cooed, sinking down on the bed beside him, and laying her head on the pillow next to his. She kept up a running monologue, trying to coax him awake.

Instead he appeared to grow more agitated. He was going to break the stitches Shelby had put in. Quickly, Eva moved so she was holding him, one arm cradling his head and the other making soothing tapping motions on his chest. "It's alright," she murmured, "I've got you. You're okay."

His breath left him in a whoosh, biting her bare neck and leaving goosebumps as his body relaxed into hers. "Eva," he moaned, his voice hoarse, turning into her and nudging his head deeper into the crook of her neck. His right arm made itself at home, draped across her side and holding her close to his body.

Eva's face burned scarlet. Somehow, the knowledge that he knew it was her made her want to squirm uncomfortably. He sighed, his heartbeat calming down from the crazy pace it had been pounding inside his chest. His leg brushed hers and instead of drawing away, he moved closer, even though the movement clearly pained him. Eva closed her eyes embarrassed at the close contact.

At least Kellan was calm. His rhythmic breathing was soothing to listen to as he slept peacefully. Eva closed her eyes. Might as well get some sleep. Clearly she was not allowed to move now.

Kellan left the hazy fog of sleep before Eva the next morning, waking up to the feeling of utter comfort. The body cuddled into his was soft and warm, pliant yet strong. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically, one arm slung across his side, her hand brushing his back.

Slowly, he raised his head, realizing he was practically laying on top of her, her body cocooned protectively under his in a death grip, his arms wrapped around her like a noose. Feeling slightly embarrassed at the way he had clung to her, he made to pull away but stopped. The action made Eva frown and her hand went to his head pressing him back down to lay cradled in the crook of her neck.

Surprise froze him and he almost forgot to breathe for a moment before inhaling her sweet coconut scent and relaxing. If the woman wanted him to sleep on top of her he would bloody well sleep on top of her. It had been so long since he had last felt a human touch that wasn't jaded or tainted.

Eva's touch was gentle and caring and he had to take another deep breath to stop himself from going all bawl-baby on her. He was never so emotional.

What the hell was in that medication she had been making him take?

He squeezed his eyes closed when he felt her shift, inwardly begging her not to move realizing that while he had been lost in thought, she had woken up. Her hand moved to the back of his head again and rested there, the soft pressure comforting. She shifted slightly and he realized she thought he was still asleep.

Carefully, Eva lifted the heavy arm lying across her and gently laid it on the bed as she slipped out from under him, supporting his head with her other hand.

Kellan slowly opened his eyes feeling bad about deceiving her. Her eyes were startled as her slightly chapped lips parted. Her hair was tousled and a rat's nest. She looked rumpled and homey, balanced on her knees on the bed.

"Oh," she said softly, "You're awake."

He nodded, wincing as he turned to lay on his side. Movement was getting easier just as long as he didn't put too much pressure on the wounds. He sighed. It was time to leave. He needed to get away from Eva before she became a target. Or an even bigger target than he had already painted her.

Painting her.

There was a thought. She would look beautiful sketched in black and white. Maybe nude. His fingers itched for a paintbrush, or even a pencil.

He shook his head, conscious that Eva had said something and he had missed it.

"What?" he asked, his voice gravelly. He cleared his throat staring up into her blue eyes and forced himself to focus on what she was saying.

"I said, you're well enough to move now," she repeated quietly, sitting sideways and tucking her legs under her, "What's our plan?"

Kellan was dumb founded. "Our plan?" He questioned.

She raised a dainty eyebrow at him and chuckled dryly, "You really don't think I'm going to let you just leave now, right? I kind of feel responsible for you now that's I've harbored you in my home. Besides I'm a target too now."

Kellan felt his mouth gape as he processed her words. The woman had lost her mind. No way was he taking a dainty little woman with him. It was going to get messier before it got better and she would be caught in the crossfire. If she wasn't already.

They would use her against him.

He worked better alone.

At least that's what he told himself even as his heart warmed at the thought of having her with him.  He couldn't afford to think those thoughts currently.


Hello! My little Wildies here is the next chapter! How are you today? Or tonight? Depending on where you are in the world.

Kellan is about to find out how stubborn Eva can be. Action is going to start picking up now that we've kind of learned who our characters are. The pace has been slow so far but it's about to get crazy.

Stay tuned! Vote and comment!

Scarlett McLeod

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