miss maria reynolds

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I've been trying to sleep.

I can't. Just as I'm trying again to fall asleep, I hear a knock at the door. I open it, only to find a young— I'd say around 20— woman standing there, her hair parted to the side, a crap-ton of makeup that she applied nicely, and a flaming red dress. She smirks at me.

"And who might you be?" I question her suspiciously. She just flips her hair and scoffs sarcastically. Wait... There's only one person who does that. 

"pEGGY?!" Peggy — or Maria, I guess— nods. "Hiya Y/N! Me and Angelica finalized the plan! Anyways, I just decided to drop by, before heading into his life as not Peggy, but Maria. Oh, and— if it's not that much trouble— can you help me? I'll watch you from the corner of my eye, so if you know what I should say, just mouth it to me. Deal?"

"Of course! Peggy, you look aMAZING! I could barely tell it was you! I'm coming to watch this play out!" I say to her. She grabs my hand, and we start walking.


"Ready, Peggy?" I whisper from behind a bush.

"You bet I am." She takes a deep breath, fixes her hair to make it a bit more seductive, and knocks on the door. About 2 minutes later, Hamilton comes to the door, clearly sleep deprived.

"I know you are a man of honor, I'm so sorry to bother you at home, but I don't know where to go," Peggy twirls her hair with her finger, and looks into his eyes romantically. James taught her well, I think. "My husbands doing me wrong, beating me, cheating me, mistreating me, suddenly he's up and gone," She says with a swish of her fingers. "I don't have the means to go on!"

"I mean, I-I can offer you a loan, and walk you home..." I realize something on the spot. Hamilton always wanted to be seen as powerful, as someone with a title, in a way. So I mouth Call him sir! She sees me.

"You're too kind, sir." Hamilton's eyes widen slightly. Score!!!! I was right (HE WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED)! They walk down the block to James' house, where I can faintly hear her say "This one's mine, sir." This time she says it more seductively. They go in, and.... Well, that's all I hear. 

And then some moans. Sweet Jesus, Peggy........


Peggy meets me outside of her house, soaked in sweat. "He... Insisted... I.... You know, ri-"

"Yep, I know," I chuckle. She fixes her hair to her normal style, and takes off the red clothes, revealing her usual sunflower-yellow dress underneath. "Much better. The style was getting so annoying. But I think I can tell where this might be heading."

"He never kept a secret before...."

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