A special day

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(Edited 10/01/19)

It has been over a month since I've been with this group, they avoided me any chance they get but I won't let them bring me down. I'm only hoping one day they kill me by accident, and then I can come back and end them.

But today is a special day today there letting me go on a run with Dave, Kim, Steve, and unfortunately Randal. We're going to a near by town near some farms. They said there planning on finding on of these farms and if there not overrun then that'll be our new camp.

"Claire, let's go" Randal yelled out the truck window

"I'm coming" I replied running to the truck

I'm riding down with Randal and Steve. Ever since I got to this camp Steve always had my back. I sat in between Randal and Steve in the truck, Randal kept looking at me making me feel uncomfortable. Steve must've noticed because he said "dude stop looking at her like she's food"
"Shut the fuck up" he yelled.

I moved closer to Steve and rested my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

I woke up to Randal shaking me

"Follow me"

"What" I said quietly

"Another group killed Dave and Kim" he yelled

My eyes went wide, another group. Maybe I can get away and ask to join them, I thought to myself.

"Let's go bitch" he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him

"We're we going?" I questioned

"To the roof"

What if he decides I'm not good enough to be a part of the group and pushes me off. These kinds of things race through my mind as we're climbing up to the roof.
"Here" he said handing me a rifle
"What?! I'm not killing anyone!"I stated
"Yes you are, you know what happens when you refuse" he said leaning close to my body.
"O...ok" I say trying to not show that my voice was shaking.
I aimed the gun so that I was looking down an ally. I saw a Korean guy run out and I shot behind him making sure I didn't hit him. I'm sorry I thought to myself.

"Come on Let's go, there's to many roamers!" Steve yelled
Randal went down the roof first, when it was my turn I carefully climbed down from the first roof and jumped to the next roof but slipped and my leg landed on a sharp metal spike. I screamed in pain, Randal came back for me,

"Dude just leave her, she'll bleed out anyway"  Steve called out.

"No no no no please please don't leave!!" I begged, as much as I hated them I don't want to die like this.

A brown haired man ran over to me and covered my mouth to shut me up.

"Shut up. Your gonna attract the walkers" the man said.
I took my hand and took his off my mouth,

"I'm so...sorry I...I...I did....I didn't want to shoot at your people." I managed to say in between sobs. This really hurt, it went straight through my leg.
A much older man and the Korean dude walked over to us, they were talking about leaving me and then about cutting off my leg, I begged for none of that to happen.

"Shut up, Shut up, Shut up" the Korean said holding on my leg. I didn't want to scream so clenched my teeth shut

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" He said 

I just nodded my head and focused on my breathing.

"WALKERS! COME ON WE HAVE TO GO" the Korean said. bang. bang. bang.

The brown haired man said "this might hurt" and ripped my leg off the bar. I tried and I tried not to scream but it came out.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to there car. I passed out in the backseat next to the older man.

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