♦ Land Monsters ♦

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Mitchell Wick plays Vadik. Still looking for who plays our mermaid.

Chapter 5

To be on land, touching soil once again, was not something I imagined would happen.

These land monsters surrounding me smell of repulsing odors. Smelling of the ocean water closest to the land. Trash and filth.

I watch as their animalistic bodies morph into men fully unclothed.

"They're real..."

"Let's take her back with us."

"This is pack territory. We shouldn't even be here."

"Fuck that pack, if we take her we'll be stronger than them." My eyes shift back and forth at the men arguing. They are loud creatures. If only they were human.

I lick my moist (that word gives me bad goosebumps omg) lips as I crave for human flesh.

"That's just a myth."

"It is just a myth." I clarify. They all turn to face me with very shocked looks on their faces. Do they not know I can talk?

"She's probably lying."

"Why would she?"

"She doesn't want us to use her that's why."

"Stop fighting. We're going to take her back with us. She's injured too so we'll help her. Alpha Vadik is coming over to meet with us soon so let's do this quickly." I hear growls and their anger skyrockets.

"Why is he coming here?"

"There's no reason for him to approach us."

They bend down to grab me but I move back. "Do not touch me." I warn them.

"If you don't want us to carry you then you'll need to walk. Either way you'll be coming with us." The most rational man explains. The same man that told them to stop fighting.

"How can I walk if I do not have le..." I look down as my scales dissolve into warm golden skin. I gasp and touch my tail to keep my scales from disappearing. Come back!

"Calm down."

"Do not tell me what to do." I snap my teeth at him. He jumps back and a look of horror crosses his face.

"Look we need to go now. Please let us help you."

"I do not need your help." I glare, the need for the water growing inside me. My throat itches at the need for salt water.

"Can you walk? Try to get up." The man ignores my previous comment. I push up with my hands and arms, my legs weakly bend as I try to steadily stand. I grimace at the pain pulsating up my legs. I hesitantly move my leg forward but my foot weakens and wobbles, making my body fall forward. The man catches me before I hit the ground and holds me close against him. He's so warm, compared to my cold skin, the feeling is heavenly. It sends warmth across my skin just like boy from before.

"I've got you." I look up at his brown eyes. He looks up at the others, "can one of you give her a shirt?" They look at one another and one of them shrugs grabs for a piece of white cloth on the ground, filled with stains and dirt. He hands it to the man holding me and without letting go of my waist, he pulls the shirt over my head and puts it on me.

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