just acting

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march 9th, 2018. 7 am

(Y/N)'s pov
Yawning as I groggily slip on my outfit for the day, my mom talks to Travis on the phone. The plan is for Travis and I to meet Wyatt and Maria at the nearby park and do a read through of the script. Once I'm dressed I head to the bathroom and do my daily skin routine followed by a half hour of makeup. By 8 am, I'm ready, but my mom insists I need to eat. I get sick in the mornings when I eat.

Wyatt's pov (7 am)
I managed to drag myself out of bed after falling back asleep the first time I woke up. My go-to rehearsal style is a t-shirt with black adidas joggers. Once I'm dressed I do my usual hygiene routine and head into the kitchen to find my dad. On the kitchen table was a beautiful array of bacon, french toast, strawberries, powdered sugar, syrup, butter, potatoes, and eggs. I love breakfast so much, it's the best meal and my favorite meal.

(Y/N)'s pov (8:50 am)
After eating two bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, my stomach feels so sick. I want to puke. My mom and I are gonna stop by this super cute coffee hut  before rehearsal at 10. My go-to drink is a blended caramel coffee. I don't care HOW cold it is, I will ALWAYS have my coffee cold. Sweet, but always slightly bitter.

Wyatt's pov (8:50 am)
I brew up some coffee, filling the whole house with the sweet aroma. The waft of black coffee, freshly brewed brings such a nice feeling I love to start my days with. I pour my black coffee into a little thermos and proceed to text my buds in the group chat. They're excited to see pictures of (y/n) and I today.

(Y/N)'s pov (9:50)
We met up with Travis at the park and find a picnic table to sit at. It's wooden, painted red. I decided to wear an off the shoulder top, blue with red embroidered flowers along the chest, black straight-leg jeans with a chunky belt, and my favorite pair of dog/cats dressed up vans that my friends have written all over. The park brings back memories of the park down the street from where I grew up. I loved the swings the most and still do. I'm usually early, but I hope Wyatt gets here okay and on time.

Wyatt's pov (9:58 am)
"Shit. I'm gonna be late." I say to myself hopping out of the car and running as fast as I can to where (y/n) said she was sitting. (9:59) I'm almost to the table when I realize how much of a fool I must look like. I slow down and walk up to the table slowly. (10:01) "you're late..." (y/n) says tapping her foot with a cocked eyebrow. "A king is never late. Everyone is just simply early" I sit down and throw a wink her way. "Now, isn't that Julie Andrew's line from The Princess Diaries? Hmm.. never took you as the type to like princess movies. Whatever floats your boat, man!" (y/n) says with a sassy tone to her voice. I know we're gonna fake argue a lot already. But how did she know I was quoting The Princess Diaries? "Whatever, besides the point. The point is I'm here now and we have to read a long script" I pull out my script from my satchel and slam it on the picnic table.

(Y/N)'s pov (9:58 am)
Out of the wooded area of the park and past the playground comes running none other than Wyatt Jess Oleff. The tall boy sprinting, curls bouncing, and the sense of urgency in his face is quite a sight. I can't help but laugh. What's this? The boy slows down into a jog and starts slowly walking? He looks like a major douchebag walking up to the table and greeting me with a wink.
"you're late..." I say. "A king is never late. Everyone is just simply early." he says with a confident cross of the arms, closed eyes, and raised eyebrows. After a little jab at him quoting The Princess Diaries, he's obviously a little flustered and changes to the script. He slams it on the table and I about have a heart attack. The sound of the thud caused my mom to jump and my jaw to drop. The script could've been a 3 book novel series in which each book was like 3 inches. "And when is this supposed to be memorized by?" I ask the table with a shy smile. "Early June. That's when we start filming" Wyatt looks at me with such a look of "i know... right?"

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