scene 4 ; act 2

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A/N: Feb 2nd, 2018

April 7th, 2018

Wyatt's pov (3:50 am)
I pull the curtains of my bedroom window and see nothing but darkness except for the lights leading the path to our front door. There's that feeling of comfort and nostalgia in the moment. It reminds me of when I was younger and we'd get up in the middle of the night to leave for our annual summer camping trip to Lake Tahoe. My dad insists that we leave promptly at 4:20 every time to ensure that we will arrive to Camp Richardson around 10-11 am. Being up for the sunrise was something exciting when I was younger and now I groan at the fact I'm even up. My mom and I are getting ready to leave for set for a sunrise scene (Y/N) and I have to shoot. We've been filming bits and pieces here and there, but the majority will be filmed in June/July. Yes, (Y/N) and I have kissed on camera a few times now and we're totally comfortable with it, but today is gonna be a more... how do you say.. risqué. The scene is set in my character's bed, the sun is slowly rising and we are not fully dressed. Plus, a lot of skin-to-skin will take place and some kissing of (Y/N)'s body.

Y/N's pov (3:50 am)
After sleeping through my alarm, my mom comes and pushes on me until I groan and mosey out of bed. I shuffle on my sweats and take care of my typical hygiene. The air feels dense and still, the house is dark, cold, and oddly peaceful. Usually, I'm not a morning person and today isn't any exception. Passive Aggressive, Sarcastic, and Snappy would do the job of describing me first thing in the morning, especially when it's 3:50 in the morning... The only reason my mom and I are up this morning is because Wyatt and I have to film a sunrise scene today. Although we're comfortable kissing on screen now, this time it'll be a bit more... taboo. The whole thing is supposed to be sweet and innocent though we are in our under garments and cuddling in bed. The kissing will be slightly higher stakes now that we'll be practically naked. After stopping by a coffee hut on our way, we arrive at set. I huddle over to Wyatt in my black flowery hoodie and baggy gray sweatpants.

Wyatt's pov (4:32)
(Y/N) slowly makes her way over to me, shivering. All scrunched up in her hoodie with strings pulled taught, she sips her warm latte. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I greet her with a sarcastic smile. "Do not start with me right now.." her eyes dart my way and her brows furrow. "(Y/N), Wyatt, we have to get you in costume and makeup! We're losing darkness people!" Jeremy shouts causing everyone to wince and groan. We walk over to the costumers, "Change into these. We'll get you robes." Kathy, the head costumer, says handing us bags. I step into my little dressing cubby and open up the bag to find nothing but some boxers and a pair of black tube socks. I can't believe I'm gonna be this naked with (Y/N) KISSING and CUDDLING ON SCREEN. I hope they put her in something more modest, I know she gets a bit shy.

Y/N's pov (5:19 am)
Kathy hands Wyatt and I small bags and shoo's us away into dressing cubbies. Still freezing, I undress and open the bag... oh no.. All that's in it is a bralette, underwear, and white ankle socks! I could at least wear shorts! I suck it up and slip on the pieces of cloth and step out of the cubby to meet a rosy-cheeked Wyatt. I wrap my arms around myself and start crouching to stay warm. "Here here, is it okay if I-uh" he asks, doing without an answer. He wraps his arms around me with my arms pulled tight to my chest. The air is thin and wispy, cool breezes pass by through the trees, whooshhh. "H-Th-h-ank Y-y-you.." I say with my teeth chattering, feeling the warmth of his embrace. "Here you go!" a crew member hands us bulky fuzzy robes. In a rush, we throw them on and turtle into them. "Hey hey, stop that! We have to do your makeup now" Hannah, the lead makeup artist says, shuffling us into our makeup chairs. Wy and I talk while the makeup team does our makeup. After about 30 minutes or so, we're done and talk with Jeremy about the specifics of the scene we're filming and decide to practice a few times.

Wyatt's pov (5:18)
Stepping out, (Y/N) looks frostbitten. She's shaking like a newborn puppy so I don't hesitate to bring her into a hug. The feel of her cool skin is refreshing and calming. "H-Th-h-ank Y-y-you.." she slips out with her teeth chattering and her head bobbing under my chin. "Here you go!" a crew member smiles, handing us fluffy robes. Hurriedly, we throw them on and snuggle into them. Hannah gets mad at us and sets us down to do our makeup. Although (Y/N) and I are very professional when filming and rehearsing with Jeremy, any other time we're about the closest pals you've ever seen. I mean that girl can keep me entertained for hours on end with the wackiest things. The makeup team wasn't too happy with the amount of moving our heads and talking with our hands while they applied mascara and powder. After around a half hour of makeup we discuss the layout of the scene and decide it would be best to practice the scene to get a feel and gain some trust. A big part of acting, especially with lots of physical elements, trust is a key component. In middle school we would play trust exercises like let your partner massage your arms and legs while you lay limp.

Y/N's pov (5:48am)
"Alright guys, how about you get on the bed and just talk a bit. Carmen and I are gonna talk some more about the shoot" Jeremy says with a smile and turns back to Carmen, the assistant director. "I mean, we've already kissed quite a few times so this shouldn't be any problem!" I grin and lay down to face Wyatt in bed. "Well yeah, but (Y/N) I want you to feel comfortable with this. The exposure and touching, you think you'll be okay with it?" He looks to me with a caring and concerned look. Immediately I slow down my thoughts and a smile grows upon my face. I pull the covers higher onto both of us and lean closer to his face. "I'm comfortable with it because I'm doing this with you. Otherwise, I'm not so sure I'd be confident in myself enough to say hell to it all" I smile, causing my eyes to crease. "You're so special.." He says, no expression on his face, but his eyes say it all. Jeremy's gaze turns our way out the corner of his eye. Wyatt brushes the hair on my cheek, behind my ear and rests his hand on my cheek. Softly, he places a kiss onto my lips. Sweetly, he rubs my cheek with his thumb. Gently, he moves his hand from my cheek to my back and pulls me closer.

Wyatt's pov (6:12 am)
"You're so special.." I say without thinking, the words seemed to leave my mouth involuntarily. Her eyes, the pure wonder and innocence they hold is so inviting. I graze her cheek and steadily give her a kiss. One we've had before, but with realization in this moment. I move my hand to her lower back and pull her into my chest. Leaving a kiss on her forehead, I nuzzle my head into her hair and her head into my neck. "That's it! Right there! That's exactly what I'm looking for! Man you guys, that wasn't the right blocking, but it was spectacular!" Jeremy shout, clapping and smiling. (Y/N) and I laugh and shuffle away from each other quickly. A look is exchanged between us of the understanding of a secret happiness. "Thanks Remy, but that wasn't practice!" I shout back laughing. She turns to me and raises her eyebrows, jaw wide open. "Oh.. I see You two kids gotta little off-screen romance. Well bring that to the screen and play your characters as you would yourselves" Jeremy says gathering everyone into position. "The sun is rising people! get the scene set up!" Carmen yells, waving her arms in the air like a crazy lady. People adjust the bed sheets, hair, makeup, and all sorts of stuff until Jeremy gives the okay.

Y/N's pov (6:34 am)
The scene is set and Jeremy has ok'ed everything. The sun isn't risen enough to get the look we want yet, so Wyatt and I run lines while staying in position until it's time to film. After about 10 more minutes, Jeremy and Carmen are happy with the lighting. "You're on in 3-2-1 !" Jeremy whisper shouts and flips on the camera. The scene was successfully filmed in three tries due to the fact that I had to sneeze right when Wyatt and I were supposed to kiss and he messed up a line. "That's a wrap!" Jeremy yells and everyone claps. The entirety of the scene is about 8 minutes long and doing it twice wasn't the greatest, but I still loved the finished product. "Can I ask you something real quick?" Wyatt smiles, facing me in bed, sitting up. "Last time you asked this, we kissed, but go ahead" I giggle and put a pillow in my lap. "Will I be your boyfriend?" he lifts his head and says with a poised posture. "That's a funny way of putting it, but yes, I will be your girlfriend and you my boyfriend" Smiling, we laugh and hug. "Next shoot is at 3 pm! Everyone rest up until then and grab something to eat!" Carmen waves her hands in the air again and sighs. "Let's just nap here" I say. "That sounds good to me" he smiles and poops back into bed and so do I.

A/N : please read my author's notes because they explain some stuff and give fun facts. my favorite thing to get is comments on certain things you like or don't like, anything is constructive. fun fact: i did the trust exercise in theater the other day and i h8ted it. well sorry this isn't great and the time is wonky, i changed it like 5 times. okay goodnight now, bye bye :) -chloe xx

Feb. 5th, 2018

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