text convos - 3

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(March 21st, 2018. 11:36 am)

wyatt: hey, what's your ring size?

(y/n): ...why?

wyatt: no reason, just wondering

(y/n): what are you up to this time?

wyatt: nothing much, don't worry about it

(y/n): alright, i'm a 5 and a half

wyatt: cool, thanks!

(y/n): yep. whatcha doing?

wyatt: running some errands with my mom, hbu?

(y/n): going to Denny's for my birthday lunch. I always get the Superbird and dip it in ranch

wyatt: nice, what are you doing for your birthday?

(y/n): I'm actually just having a family dinner at Toro Viejo, would you wanna come? You're like my sister only friend here

wyatt: I'd love to, but I'll ask my mom. One sec

(y/n): ok

(3 minutes later)

wyatt: she said it's okay. what time should i be ready and should i uber or...

(y/n): don't worry about getting there, we can pick you up and be ready by 5:30

wyatt: you should expect me to be wearing a fancy tux with my hair all slicked back and a set of pure white gloves, just saying

(y/n): i'd love to see that lmao. really, we're just dressing casual. my parents, Elijah, Isaac, and Esther are gonna be there. you'll meet the whole gang!

wyatt: I haven't met anyone but your mom, but you have told me about the others. I'm scared to meet your dad, how am i supposed to introduce myself? Should i be like asking for your hand in marriage serious or I'm just a good ol' buddy ol' buckaroo serious?

(y/n): don't worry about it! i've told him a lot about you and he knows we kissed at the meeting. you're gonna be fine. one thing you gotta know is he loves anything zombie related, so if you know anything about that stuff, bust it out

wyatt: alright, i can try. my address is 3338 lucinda ln,

(y/n): okay, text ya later. see you then!

A/N: y'all sorry if my Denny's order doesn't suit you, it's easier to give specific information in a reader x ? story. and the ring size doesn't match, i'm sorry buds. i'm like 2, why am i writing this?? i'm actually older than wyatt lmao

just acting / wyatt oleff x reader Where stories live. Discover now