art lessons in love

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(saturday, march 20th, 2018. 12:34 pm)

(Y/N)'s pov
My mom drops me at the pottery place and I walk up to meet Wyatt inside. "Hey!" Hey!" we greet each other with a hug and walk up to the counter. "Excuse me, how does this work exactly?" Wyatt politely asks the woman behind the front desk. "Pick any piece of blank pottery and paint away! When you're done, just bring it to me, pay the total, and your pieces will be fired and ready in about a week or so" the lady gestures to the various ceramic figures to paint. "Alrighty, well thank you!" Wyatt smiles and walks over to the pieces for painting. "How abouuut this one?" he looks to me holding a Link ceramic. "I thought you'd pick something like that.." I continue browsing and finally land on a little jewelry box. "what do ya think?" I say holding up the tiny white box. "Sounds good, lets grab some paint" Wyatt head over to the array of all types of colors in bottles. "I'm going for realism today" he says picking out the greens, and yellows. "I think i'm going to paint a field of flowers, my favorite actually, daisies" I grab whites, greens, blues, and golds.

Wyatt's pov
Daisies, huh? Never thought of her as the type to like daisies, lilies, I can see, but a daisy? Once we get to our table, we put on smocks and (y/n) asks for some help tying the back of her's. "Why, of course, my dear" I bow and slowly tie the strings of the apron.
After sitting down, (y/n) says the stupidest thing I've ever heard her say, "Let's get cracki-lackin.'"

(Y/N)'s pov
Why did I say that? No one says "cracki-lackin..." Oh great, now he's laughing at me. "Hey, knock it off! It's not that funny! Just start painting, loser..." I grab my brushes and start with a light sandy color as my base. "So, what do you want to know about me?" He asks smiling while remaining focused on his Link. "I don't know, just get to know more about you, I guess" I keep painting and wiggle in my seat.

Wyatt's Thought Bank : She didn't come prepared.. gosh I can't believe I wrote a list of questions for her.

(Y/N)'s Thought Bank : I cant believe I just said "i don't know" when I wrote a whole damn list of questions to ask.

Wyatt's pov
"Well, my favorite food is spaghetti" I say raising my eyebrows and continue painting Link. "Oh really, so is mine!" She stops painting and looks up to me smiling. "Let's get some spaghetti to not be upsetti" I say, rinsing my paintbrush. "You're such a dork.." she laughs and shakes her head.

(Y/N) pov
I'd love to eat spaghetti with Wyatt. A little Lady and the Tramp action ;)) No, that's weird, who shares spaghetti? "Hey, can we talk about that kiss last week?" I ask seriously, continuing to paint the grass and flowers. "Yeah, did you have something in mind you wanted to ask?" Wyatt dips into his gold paint. "Actually, yes. I wanted to ask what it felt like when we kissed?" I begin to blush and shift my position.

Wyatt's pov
"Actually, yes. I wanted to ask what it felt like when we kissed?" a pale crimson red fills her cheeks. ... what it felt like. I have so much I want to tell her. The pure tranquility in the moment, so sublime. "Is it alright if I sound cheesy?" I ask. She nods and keeps her focus on me. "Well, I was very nervous and I didn't think I'd actually do it, but when I did... man, was it worth it. When your lips met mine, I felt an overwhelming wave of relaxation. My body was so tense until that moment. It felt like I could only focus on the sound of the breeze in the trees, the warmth of the sun on my back, your soft hair between my fingers, the smoothness of your cheek on my palm, and the sweet sweet smell of your honey and peony perfume. I'm sorry to sound so passionate, but you asked for an honest answer" I say excitedly and shrug my shoulders at the end. I didn't think I'd be embarrassing myself today.

(Y/N)'s pov "I-Wy-Wyatt, I didn't think you'd say something like that. wow." I smile with a little giggle. "Hey hey, don't laugh at me" the boy covers his face as a pink tone forms to his cheeks. "I'm not, I'm just surprised. I had something very similar to that, actually" I smile and go back to painting. "Oh, really? My turn to ask a question. Did you like the kiss, like would you consider doing it again?" Wyatt starts talking with his hands in which he's holding a palette and a brush. "Yes, in fact. I would" I say confidently. "So you wouldn't mind if I went for a kiss?" Wyatt raises a brow with a smirk. "Well, I mean if it was just us, yeah. Not off camera with others around, y'know?" I say a bit flustered. "...Good to know" he smiles with a look of determination.

just acting / wyatt oleff x reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن