Part 9

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You'll probably want to read the authors note at the end because it is really important and about the fanfic.


1 Day until I say bye to my husband. 1 Day until I say bye to the father of my chidren. 7 whole months I will not see my husband for.

Me and the family were sat out in the backgarden. The sun reflecting on the massive pool which the kids and Niall played in.

"can Uncle Z come over?" Ivan asked standing on the steps to the pool

"Uncwe Wou" Olivia clapped

"I'll call them all" I smiled pulling my phone from my pocket and calling each lad.


"we're here" Harry ran in with Toby on his shoulders and Kenedie behind smiling with a bag on her shoulder. The last to arrive. Everyone was in the pool but me, Emma, Zayn and Perrie, we were all sun bathing.

Olivia was floating around in her rubber ring and arm bands trying to catch up to Louis.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen grabbing a drink of water. As I was about to sit back down a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and my back started to get wet

"Niall get off, you're wet" I hid my face with my hands. I was wearing a red bikini with one of Nialls t-shirts over the top.

"Come in the water" He kissed my neck and grinned.

"No" I looked down, he turned me around so our chests were touching

"Oh come on why?"He pouted

"This is why" I stepped back looking down my body "The stretch marks are awful" I gave him a small fake smile. He shut me up by kissing me

"Oii get a room, just no more kids" Louis laughed and we pulled away.


Today is the day. Niall and the lads are leaving. We were on our way to the airport. Our driver driving, Mason in the passengers seat, Ivan and Olivia in the back, Niall in the middle seat then me and Brogan either side of him.

Once we reached the airport we all climbed out meeting the other lads and their families. Brogans arms wrapped around Nialls neck clutching onto the back of his shirt, her head in the crook of his neck tears running down her face. Olivia was on his other hip her head placed on his cheek.

"I love all five of you ok?" Niall asked looking at our four children and then at me. I nodded not trusting my voice

"I promise to call and skype as much as I can" He gave a small kiss kissing each of the children then me.

"Flight 308 to Sydney is now boarding, thats Flight 308 to Sydney" A voice spoke over the tannoy.

Niall hugged each of us and gave us one more kiss before grabbing his suitcase and walking with the other lads

"Daddy" Brogan cried reaching her arms for her father

"He'll come back soon Brog" I kissed her head holding Olivia's hand. Within a few seconds Brogan was crying her eyes out.

Once we got inside the house it was quite apart from Brogans cries. Ivan went to his room, Mason laid on the sofa with Olivia sat on him and Brogan sat on my hip crying.

I made some dinner and we all sat down and ate apart from Brogan. I was right, Brogan is taking this the worse.

"Brogan eat some dinner and we'll call daddy" I tried to calm the toddler down. She quitened down chewing on her fingers.


Short chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in so long but I have been away again and Friday I went to the WWA tour and I have really bad tour depression.

It was the best tour I have ever been to. Niall ran past me when 5SOS were on and smiled. When 5SOS were getting ready to perform they all smiled. I saw Zayn under the tunnel walking into a room. Sandy walked past with Jon, Sandy smiled and Jon fid the rock sign. Josh walked past and smiled. When 5SOS finished Ashton and Calum smiled, Michael waved and did the peace sign and Luke put his thumbs up. Lou walked past me. And before 1D came on Paul walked past so I shouted him and he looked up and smiled at me.

It was honestly they best night of my life. 1D and 5SOS' performances were perf. If you have tickets you will love it but if you don't I'm sorry :( but you get to watch it on dvd when it comes out :D


I have some sad news. I think I have decided to stop this fanfic as I have writers block. But I am startin a new fanfic called...

Friend zoning Calum Hood.

Thank You

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amylouisee1997   -Instagram

Amy x

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