Part 28

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Skipped a few months


12 weeks pregnant (3 Months)

Amys POV:

It's been 8 weeks since I found out I was pregnant and today was not only my first ultrasound but also the day me and Niall will be telling the kids about the new edition. 6 kids people will say we are mad especially when Niall goes on tour but atleast there is alot of company.

Louis and Eleanor offered to look after the kids whilst we went to the scan. We made a plan of going to the shops to get each child a present so they didn't find out the news before we planned on telling them.

"Olivia" I heard Niall quietly talking to Louis beside me. He shifted his body so they were both facing her back. "The past few weeks she has had a really bad temper and attitude. If she starts misbehaving send her to her room" Louis nodded and laughed

"Ivan, you know not to give him to much sugar because he will kick off. He will most likely stay in his room playing the xbox" Louis nodded once again and I lauged shaking my head.

"Mason will probably go out. Please make sure he has something to eat before he does and he is back after an hour so he is back when we get back" Niall laughed whilst giving instrustions on what to do whilst we are gone.

"Brogan-" He started

"She will probably moan for Niall to play with her because she's a daddys girl. If she does she will probably just want a cuddle" I cut in smiling kissing Nialls cheek.

"And Cormac, you know him. He likes to play over there on his own" Niall pointed to beside the sofa.

"Right. Okay. You guys can go" Louis laughed and looked towards Eleanor who was sat with Amelia on her knee. Oliver was sat with Olivia playing. Marcus and Matthew were trying to play with Cormac.

"Bye guys" Me and Niall said in unison. We walked out the door with an hour before our appointment. "To the shops" Niall laughed driving towards the shopping centre.

Louis POV:

"Boys" Louis laughed at Marcus, Matthew and now Cormac who decided to join in runnings around the living room and into the kitchen shouting.

"You broke my doll" Olivia stood up pushing Cormac over who accidently stood on her barbie and its leg came off.

"Olivia" Eleanor's eyes widened. Cormacs lip started to tremple and he stood up rubbing his bum

"Go to your bedroom please Liv" I.norrowed my eyebrows listening to Nialls instuctions. She grabbed her dolls and stompt upstairs.

"Are you ok Cor?" I asked and he shook his head climbing onto the sofa.


Amys POV:

"Mrs Horan" The midwife called and me and Niall stood up our hands laced together. She was a chatty woman about 40 years old with short brown hair with tints of grey. She had brown eyes and very friendly.

"What numbers this then?"She asked smiling whilst rubbing the wand across my stomache.

"It's our 6th" Niall laughed

"I bet you have your hands full" She laughed. "What do you have already?"

"3 Boys and 2 girls" She nodded her head focusing on the screen.

"This is unusual" She muttured. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Niall who did the same.

"You see this?" She looked at me and Niall who nodded. "And this?" We nodded again. "And this one?" She looked again and once again. "And this little one?"  We nodded and she typed a few things.

"It looks like you are having quads. So that baby 6, 7, 8 and 9" She smiled wiping the gel off. My eyes widened in pure shock.

"9 Kids? Are you Joking? Are you 100% sure they are quads?" I asked getting worried how could we have quads?

"This only happens to 1 in 30000 women"(I dunno if its this really) The nurse said. My hand reached over my mouth. How could we even have quads?.


We drove home my hea leaning against the car window. Neither of us speaking until Niall broke the silence.

"This is going to be fun" Niall laughed "Four kids. How did we manage that" He shook his head. I held the ultrasound photos in my hand looking at them. One of the babies smaller than the rest. Within  few more minutes we pulled up to our house. We climbed out getting the present for the kids.

"Mummy. Daddy" Cormac ran over to us and hugged our legs.

"Thank You Lou and El" Niall smiled I gave a small smile and El looked at me funny knowing something was wrong.

"Are you guys staying for the news?" Niall asked holding Cormac's hand they both said yeah course and sat back down. We gave the kids their new toys and the Tomlinson kids a little something so they didn't feel left out. After they had tested their toys we got them all to sit down.

"Me and your mum have got to tell you something" Niall smiled at the 5 kids. I was still shocked at the fact of having another 4 kids.

"Me and your mum went to the doctors today" They nodded and he looked at me. I nodded for Niall to tell them and he carried on.

"You are going to get a brother or sister" He smiled "Infact you are going to get 4" Niall laughed running a hand over his face

"What the hell man? Four?"Louis burst out laughing "You've beat my mum man" Louis turned red for laughing to much.

Olivia's arms soon folded them self across her chest. If looks could kill I'm sure everyone in this room would have been killed.

Mehh part but quads. I told you it was going to be bigger than what you asked for ;)

What do you think?
Please comment :*

Also a tip for you...
If you are ever waiting to meet your fave somewhere when they come out if I was you tell nobody to scream and mob them other wise you will get less chance of meeting them because the security will take them off but if you are all quiet and wait for them to come over to you, you will more than likely meet them.

Also I have some 1D/5SOS fanfic ideas which I will probs never use so if you want one tell me who 5sos or 1D and I'll give you a story line :*

Amy x

True Beauty. The Horan Family (Seuqel to 16&Pregnant)Where stories live. Discover now