Chapter 3: Into The Perished Kingdom

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   "The sandstorm-it cannot have done this," Ametis stated as she knelt to the scorched earth and picked up a handful of dirt. "Fire. I sense fire, Kha."

    The god nodded and walked around Ametis, he stopped by a huge charred pillar and flipped his cloak over to bear his arm as he pulled back and struck the post. To Kha and Ametis's surprise, they watched as the pillar cracked and fell to the ground with a loud cash. Moving closer to inspect the bottom of the pillar that was still attached to the building, they both noticed that it was burned right through.

   "No mortal flame could carry out such a disaster," Ametis shook her head. She reached out and trailed her delicate fingers through the broken pillar. "The Riders Of Remmat were immortal but it was not in our knowledge that they carried the Internal Flame in their possession. It is forbidden and would have caused the gods to seek punishment."

   "I would like to know how they got it. They could have stolen it, but that is unlikely." He paused and a thought begun to form in his mind, "what if they did not steal it?-That it was handed to them by a god in secrecy."

   "Like whom?"

   "Who is the patron mother goddess of the Remmatians? There is only one answer, wife of the war god could be Mehit."

   "Right. Our friendship with Nefti and Ay could not be looking any bleaker right now...that is if we still have any friends left!"

    Kha shrugged, "or maybe it could be someone completely different."

   "What a thief in our midst? The gods would have a seizure!"

    They stood facing each other in the crumbling ruins. It definitely seemed wrong that the female warriors, loyal to the gods, would do such a thing but the end result only pushed the thought further; they had been punished for a crime. Ametis sighed and walked around Kha, peering at the disaster that lay ahead. They were only on the doorsteps of the ancient kingdom. Ametis climbed up the stairs leading into the destroyed city and turned back to look down at Kha. The god was watching her climb with worried eyes.

    She stopped and waved him up, "will you come with me?"

    Kha took one step and froze, "what of Serket's shield? I would be forbidden to step inside as a god."

    The Remmat warriors relied heavily upon themselves, only their patron goddess and the paths and thoughts she had for them. They had little or nothing to do with men or gods, as a life of a Remmat warrior is fulfilled by being advanced in warfare, associations of warfare and nothing else. Serket was a goddess of protection, a friend to the patron goddess of Remmat, and the one Mehit called upon to enchant the territories of Remmat. The enchantment made sure that no man or god could enter the Kingdom unless the Head Priestess or warrior willingly invited them into the grounds.

    Queen Ametis glanced behind her shoulders at the ruins and back down at her companion. "I do not think that will be a problem. If the kingdom is ruined, perhaps the protection shield is down too."

    Kha took a few steps up the stairs under the entrance pillars and punched the air beside Ametis. His hand was shocked backwards as if he hit a solid marble pillar.

   "I do not think the protection is down," he said and lowered his fist, shaking it. "Go ahead, Ametis."

   "I do not want to leave you here."

   "I am not giving you the choice to. I am one of the most powerful gods that ever lived which means I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Go ahead."

    When Ametis turned her back to Kha and started walking into the kingdom, a blistering wind poured throughout the area. She suddenly stopped and ran back to Kha's side as the ground started shaking and flashes of lightning whipped down from the skies. The biggest bolt struck directly in front of them and Ametis pushed herself and Kha backwards, away from it.

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