Chapter 13: Substitute

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   "Please stop."

   "I am just saying that she is of no use to us, why do you carry her around like a common parcel? Why when you could have any god or goddess as a helper?"

   "I already told you, I like her style, and do you really think any god will be willing to cavort with me? Please."

   "Like her style? You sure you do not desire her style? Let me just tell you it never ends well for gods who fall in love with mortals."

    Prince Atenosis froze in his tracks and snatched Nefti's wrist in a swift action. Her hand curled under his gaze and she managed a smile even though the motion caught her off guard and it hurt badly. "Will you stop? I said you could come with us but that was because I could not send you back, now I have you constantly talking behind her back and I do not want it to carry on. Seriously goddess, what is your problem?"

    He watched Nefti's face as she sighed and snatched her hand back, looking at the forest floor with nothing to say. Her light brown hair cascaded down either sides of her face, adding to the image of a lost goddess. She glanced up at Atenosis and before she turned away, the Prince was so certain he saw sadness in her eyes. He brushed it aside as the fact Nefti did not like being told off, especially if she was a strong war goddess. He stared at her as she mouthed a quiet 'forgive me' and turned to walk ahead of them, her hand shoving her sword into her belt and then they both wrapped around her arms. She walked. Atenosis could not help but feel a pang of guilt for the way he spoke to her, but it was also her fault for being so...hard to handle. The rustling of the grass and leaves behind him told him the other girl he was traveling with stood behind him. He turned around and looked down at her with a small smile.

   "My Prince," she bowed. "Anything the matter?"

   "No, um the goddess Nefti, has she said anything to you?"

   "No my Prince. But she told me to find these berries," she nodded and opened her arms. The god stared into them, trying to mold the tiny forms together to see the type of the berries she had picked. But he did not need to see more, something told him what they were.

   "Drop them," he commanded and at once heard the soft tumbling and rolling of the berries hitting the ground. He quickly ran ahead to Nefti and grabbed her arm, "what were you thinking sending Hetsetut off to find poisonous berries?! You could have killed her."

   "I did not tell her they were for consumption," Nefti responded quietly.

    Atenosis frowned with frustration, "well what were they for? You?"

   "Yes, my wound has been hurting since this morning," Nefti hissed back and stared down at her left hip. Her fingers swept over it ever so delicately and she winced. Her body quickly heaved over, threatening to knock her off her feet. Atenosis back peddled and watched her in shock before he moved back towards her and placed his hands on her neck collar. Nefti flinched but he clamped down his left hand on her shoulder to steady her as he slipped his fingers around the collar and finally unclipped them. The ornament fell into his hands, exposing the creamy golden flesh of the goddess. She stared sideways at him in confusion.

   "Either you walk to the Western Kingdom with your infected wound, blaming every plant, tree, animal and rock or let me take care of it."

    The angry Nefti came back, quickly grabbing her collar from his hands. "Why do you care? I have suffered far worse traumatic injuries, a little demon poison will not hurt me."

   "Oh yeah, because you are the unstoppable and invincible Nefti—goddess of war and internal rage! Honestly...sit your warrior behind down and let me help you."

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