Chapter 5: Forging Dark Paths

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    When the four gods left the hall, Isis watched in silence and then diverted her gaze back to her son as the golden hieroglyphiced doors of the great hall shut behind Sanhir. Apart from her current worries, she had come to see that her son's grandson Ahmes was getting too close to Dedun's daughter. It was not unheard of, but it was rare and posed difficulties.

    Isis glanced to her right, at her sister Nephthys and touched her cheek somberly. She received a confident smile back and when she was convinced Nephthys was all right, she stood up. At her presence, the entire chamber slid into total and complete silence. The goddess cleared her throat and walked up to the table where her son stood with few other gods. Isis moved elegantly, her long green draped dress cascading behind her on the marble and her light green shawl, over her shoulder, held together in front of her with one hand. The ancient goddess was clad in the most precious jewels and gems ever made in creation and her headress displayed some of these items.

   "Horus, we need to talk," she inclined her head forward towards her son. "Now son, do not waste my time."

    Horus nodded and waved his hand over the assembly of gods to dismiss them. Anhur placed a hand each on his wife and son and moved them out with the crowd. The assembly of gods got up and threaded slowly towards the door but apparently the first Queen was not having any of it today.

    Still holding her shawl in place, Isis reached down with one hand and lifted the massive heavy silver and bronze table. Her veins seeped through her golden skin and tightened. The table left her hand and went crashing forward onto the floor, a few meters away; papyrus and ink flew everywhere. "I said do not waste my time—get out! All of you!"

    The name of the goddess Isis was known far and wide, even past the lands of Egypt. She was associated with being the first Queen, mother of all nature and the most loving goddess to ever walk the skies and earth. Her outburst surprised everyone including her son Horus, who never got to see such a sight in his life before. Isis' was angry and it was in that moment, Horus saw neither a loving goddess or his mother but instead understood he was facing a powerful goddess. The mother of the gods and an extension of the ancient mother Nut. Horus could not stop staring at her. She calmly took off her headress with her long and thin but beautiful hands, placing it under the chasm between her arm and chest.

    Horus' son Ihy was about to leave with his trembling wife but was instead stopped in his tracks by his grandmother. Her fingers lay still against his collarbone and she shook her head at him, "you stay, but may leave darling."

    Nimir bowed and glanced at her husband, earning a nod from him before she picked up her skirts and dashed out of the doors. The chamber was silent. Isis turned back and glared at her son with fiery eyes.

    Horus lowered his head, "yes...mother?"

   "What did I just see? What was that insufferable act you pulled on your daughter?" Isis pointed at him and pursed her lips together.

   "If you did not see mother," Horus responded quietly, "it was Anhur who caused a scene. Besides, Ametis is still a child and sadly she acted like one today."

    Isis' gold green eyes peered at him with such intensity, " are."

    Ihy's head snapped up and his eyes traveled from his grandmother to his father. If his ears did not fail him, Horus had done something terrible to earn such a comment from Isis.

   "Mother, how—"

   "—I love that little girl the same as I love you. You forget that I am sensitive to the impulses of the mortals and the gods; I could see your mind. Why could you not put your selfish thoughts aside and let her be happy with Kha? In fact, I remember you being happy for a while."

War Of Egypt II • The PersiansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora