Chapter 12: Unwanted Vistors

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    Ahmes was already there, waiting downstairs for his parents. The young couple glided down the stairs at the palace entrance with ease. Ahmes stumbled backwards as the young girl he called 'mother' passed him in a blur of gold and black, Kha followed beside her in the same fashion. Ahmes saw something in them both; like a power connecting them both. He was not sure if he liked it or feared it, but he knew it made them seem 'godly' to the point they did not have mortal attachments like the rest of the gods did. They had the aura of ancient gods like Amun-Ra, but it was not to say their aura was flawless and good because it was not good nor was it bad. When Kha passed Ahmes, he gazed at him and narrowed his brows inquisitively as if he could tell something just from his face.

    That immediately sent shivers up and down Ahmes' back. What if he knows, Ahmes asked himself, what if he knows about what happened last night with Set? But the better side of him managed to persuade him into thinking it was all right, that Kha did not know anything about the night before...Set would have warned him. The last thought angered Ahmes as he followed after the other god and goddess; as if Set would care what happened to him! What he thought was a rather uncomfortable but pleasant conversation with his grandfather had quickly to Set threatening him like the violent god he was. Ahmes should have never gone down that path; all the talk about the throne of all Egypt.

    And so he stood behind Ametis and Kha, watching them carefully as well as the large pillared entrance to the palace grounds. There was some horrible animalistic sounds that came beyond it; growling and roaring. Ahmes lifted the blade in his hand to check it's weight and movement before lowering it once again. The minute he looked down and slipped the sword into it's sheath, one of the huge pale grey pillars cracked and crumbled to the ground in a thundering crash. His head flew up and watched as the grounds of the abandoned Western Kingdom's palace filled up once more, but with intruders riding Persian battle hounds.

    Ametis and Kha did not seem shocked by the four large black beasts that aggressively moved towards the palace, bearing 4 demons that headed the party. The battle hounds were scary creatures, they would tower over a war horse and their weight and build made way for the terrifying beasts they were. They had sharp jagged exposed teeth that had rusted bloody metal cages over them, but it did not hide the fact the teeth were machines of destruction. One could see it in the blood and flesh that stained the cage and the very chasm of the creature's mouth. The Persian gods never used the battle hounds because they were treated as creatures of the old empire, it was interesting as it was unnerving to see them in the flesh. Ametis stared at the four big ones in front. In the old empire, the only god who used them was the evil god Ahriman and his demons, also because he was the one who created them. If the hound carried too much skin in it's snout, Ahriman's demons would cut the skin alongside the teeth so the daggers could be displayed clearly.

    Ametis spun the blade in her own hands and watched them approach until they stopped right in front of the stairs where they stood waiting. Kha stepped out but Ametis placed a hand on his chest, nudging him back behind her as she lifted her skirt and swept herself down the stairs to meet her unwanted guests. Ahmes worriedly glanced at the other boy but he just shook his head in response, as if to say 'she knows what she is doing'.

    The Queen of all Egypt faced the four demons in front. Two were females and the other two were male; the rest of the soldiers behind them were mortal men on horses. The two Drugs had tattered black wings sprouting from their back and four arms. They grinned at Ametis and her beautiful face scrunched up in disgust at the sight of sharp teeth. The Daevas on the other hand looked like normal men but their faces were brutally scarred and their bald heads were adorned with ancient tattoos that spoke of their dark creation. All the demons had piercing pale white irises that moved and watched Ametis in amusement.

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