Chapter 4: Tension Behind The Gods

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     When Kha and Ametis made it into Egypt, they decided to choose to do so with much discretion and avoid everyone. They managed to get into the high palace, to the empty chamber that belonged to Ametis and strip their earthly clothes to change into attires of status. As Ametis bathed in the bathing area, Kha wandered around the chamber, having already bathed and clothed.

    His eyes lingered on every inch of the room and his fingertips brushed against every edge and curve of the walls. The god's thoughts took him to the very first night he met Ametis again, and there was that bond beyond time itself that brought them together without them knowing they were ancient enemies. They were just meant to be. However the surprise became known the next sunrise when Ametis discovered the crest of Set on the god that lay beside her. Kha chuckled deeply as he came to a familiar dent in the wall where his sword had pierced during the fight. His fingers traced over it carefully and then moved back as if to admire it.

   "What are you looking at?" Ametis asked walking up from behind him and peering past him. "Oh, that...yes that night and morning were something else."

   "Thanks to you," Kha tilted his head to look sideways at her with a smirk. Ametis laughed and pushed his arm. "You look beautiful as always."

   "And you, Kha. You big-broaded, dark-haired powerful war god!" Ametis drawled back in mock response before Kha grabbed her by her waist and intensely stared at her eyes.

   "—And I said, Lady Hedetet you have a son not a daughter. Isolation is a male trait, you need to understa—"

    Kha and Anetis snapped their heads towards the corridor of the chamber and came face to face with their son Prince Ahmes. Walking gracefully beside him, with her hands held together in front of her was Sanhir. They both looked up, cutting their conversation short and stared at the two gods opposite them. Sanhir immediately did a graceful bow and smiled at Ametis and Kha. Ahmes just stared like he saw the most extraordinary thing in his life.

   "Sanhir," Ametis raced over and embraced her friend tightly.

   "It has been a while," responded the Nubian goddess as she clung to the Queen. "My, your hair has grown longer!"

    Ametis laughed and then pulled away from Sanhir and they both watched the father and son; the pair just stared at each other. It then occurred to Ametis that this was the first time Ahmes and Atenosis would be able to interact properly with their father because when they first did, nobody seemed to register that thought because of all the commotions around then. But now, they would.

    The other thing to take into consideration was the whole idea of the appearances taken by the gods and their sometimes unusual ways of being conceived. Princes Atenosis and Ahmes were born fully grown in a powerful storm whipped from Ametis' power, so as a result they appeared in the immortal age range of the second generation of the gods—their parents' range. Their immortal age was equivalent to the mortal age of a child that has been on the earth for 17—23 years.

    The older gods such as Lady Mehit, Nephthys, Anubis and Thoth spanned their appearance parallel to a mortal that has lived 30 years to 60 and onwards. The older gods were those that conceived or brought forth the second generation of gods.

    This meant that under the circumstances provided, Ahmes and Atenosis would likely look to Kha and Ametis as siblings or friends, not parents. And it was true, for Kha did not look a day older than Ahmes.

    Ametis cleared her throat, "Kha?"

    Kha nodded and grabbed Ahmes' arm, pulling him into a side embrace before chuckling to him, "Ahmes, if my memory serves me correct, am I right?"

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