Chapter 4

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The car ride to the hotel was silent which was unusual for the two divas. Having enough of the silence the younger girl reaches forward to turn the radio on but grimaces as the song 'perfect' by Ed Sheeran came on and she quickly turned it back off. Paige turned to Mackenzie. She decided to break the silence the old fashioned way.
"So, what was up earlier?" Paige asks. Mackenzie sighs.
"I met dean ambrose." She answered. Paige was confused.
"And?" She pushed her best friend.
"And He was so sweet and cocky and just perfect. Until he grabbed my arm. I ran away and I've probably scared him off. Why do I screw up everything?" Mackenzie put her head in her hands, paige rubs her back in comfort.
"You don't screw everything up kenz. I mean your here aren't you? And your parents couldn't be more proud." Mack looked up and smiled at Paige's kind words.
"Thanks Paige I needed that."  Paige replies a faint your welcome as she pulls into the hotel parking lot, parking next to a black Mercedes-Benz. Both teenage girls climb out of Paige's car and move around to that back to get out their luggage. As they did the owners in the next car got out. Unfortunately for Mackenzie, it was the one person she didn't want to come in contact with before the following Raw. His wild light brown hair sprawled all over his face and his black sunglasses placed on his face masking his beautiful blue eyes from her view. Dean looked up from his iPhone for a brief second, long enough to lock eyes with the young women. He shot her a dazzling smile displaying his dimples making him look like a cheeky school boy. Mackenzie smiled back slightly before blushing and turning away. Dean decided he wanted to quiz her on earlier so walked towards where she was stood attempting to yank her bag out of the trunk. He coughed to get her attention.
"Allow me." He said his strong arm reaching down to where her once was and lifted the heavy bag out with ease placing it gently on the ground. Mackenzie muttered a thanks before turning away.
"Wait!" Dean called " we need to talk what room you in?" Kenzie sighed before answering.
"354. Come at 7. You better not be late." With that she left leaving dean with a triumphant smile on his face. Roman came up behind him.
"So now you got her to agree, what are you gonna say later?" He asked
'Shit dean' thought 'I didn't think of that'.

Hey loves,
No I haven't fallen off of the edge of the world. I've just been really busy at the moment.
Hope you like it.
I wish you all for your dreams to come true in the new year.
Love ya.

Save me if you can *hiatus*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora