Chapter 6

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"Dude!" Seth exclaimed sitting up on the sofa where he once lay to look at his best friend with wide eyes. "She has a kid?" Seth couldn't believe the information that had been thrown his way. Dean paced back and forth nodding so hard Seth was worried for his friends safety.
"Well, shit, dude, I sorry." Seth didn't know what to say in this situation. "How old was she?" Seth was curious. Dean let out a groan like noise before replying.
"I don't know maybe 3 or 4." Dean stood still. "I don't have a chance now do I? I mean she's got a kid so clearly she's got a boyfriend!" Dean began rambling thinking the worse, little did he know a certain blonde was doing the same in her hotel room.
With Mackenzie
Mackenzie sat on the black leather sofa with her daughter stroking her hair whilst they both watched sponge bob on the small tv in the corner of the room. She looked down at her bundle of joy to see her asleep so she gathered her up in her arms and carried her through the the bedroom where she lay her down. Planting one final kiss in the child's forehead Mackenzie left the room, leaving the door open a crack just in case Brooklyn needed her. Mackenzie flopped onto the sofa trying to relax. But the world hates her. A knock was heard on the door. Mackenzie groaned before going to answer it. She yanked it open to find her sister from a different mister behind it.
"Hey!" Paige said rather loudly. Mackenzie shushed her. "I heard my niece was here!" Paige was like a child on Christmas Day. The blonde diva rolled her eyes.
"She is, but she is sleeping give the poor kid a few hours." It was now the older girls turn to roll her eyes.
"Ok but what happened between you and dean?" Mackenzie stayed silent and found the carpet rather interesting.
"Nothing really." She lied but Paige knew that she did. She'd known the girl since they were young.
"Right," Paige stretched out and picked up the tv remote. "If you're not gonna talk might as well make myself at home then." The raven haired girl Chanel surfed for about five minutes before Mackenzie sighed. Paige smirked and turned of the tv. She rotated her body so she was facing the younger girl. Paige looked at the blonde with a raised eyebrow.
"Something happened." Mackenzie said slowly as if wondering what to say. "We were talking and one thing led to another and we almost kissed." Paige gasped. She knew something had happened but not that far. The older girl moved closer and wrapped her arms around the childlike diva.
"Are you ok?" She asks. Mackenzie shrugs.
"It's just." She paused. "After what happened with Kaiden I'm not sure I will ever be the same again." Tears welled up in the young mothers eyes as she thought about her ex boyfriend. Paige tightened her grip on the small girl as she cried on to her shoulder. A couple of minutes passed before a tiny voice could be heard from the bedroom.
"Mommy?" A small girl, whom was rubbing her bright blue eyes walked over to the two teenagers. Mackenzie pulled the girl onto her lap and placed a kiss on her hair.
"Everything is gonna be ok." Paige spoke soothingly. Kenzie's face dropped.
"Is it?" She asked. Sighing and looking down at her daughter. "I hope it is."

Hey peeps
It's me. No I'm not dead I'm just having a little difficulty writing the chapters so any help you could give would be nice. Feel free to message me with any ideas.
And as usual
Stay unstable
Kenzie ✌️😎

Save me if you can *hiatus*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя