Chapter Two: The First Reaping's

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A.N: This is a very long chapter, probably the longest in the book. Like, it's over 6000 words. But, if you bear with it, I promise they get shorter!

(Jace Nicklace's (District One) P.O.V)
I wake up early today, a rare occurrence for myself. My mother likes to comment on how I only wake up early on two days, my birthday and Reaping Day. So, of course, I would be up early today, as it is both.
As it is my eighteenth birthday, my name will be in the reaping bowl at the maximum amount, but that doesn't necessarily matter; because I'm going to volunteer anyway. My family had discussed it a week before, after the announcement of the Quarter Quell. Seeing as there were four boys going into the Arena this year, I may as well be one of them!

The reaping commences exactly at 12 PM sharp, and the Mayor's arrival on stage is timed perfectly. I yawn through the entirety of the introductions and only tune in when the escort (I didn't pay attention to her name) walks towards the glass bowl containing the female tributes' names. A slip of paper had barely been picked out before a girl screamed out "I volunteer!". A collective groan spread throughout the crowd as the unlucky girls who didn't volunteer mourned at their loss.
The escort beamed as the girl who volunteered climbed onto the stage. I marvelled at her brown hair and freckled face as she spoke into the microphone. "I'm Velvet Amboni, seventeen years old, and I'm here to win the fourth Quarter Quell!".
The escort - I'm pretty sure her name is Valencia - said something about wittiness and before declaring it was time for someone to be chosen out of the boys.

I knew it, this was my moment. Velvet is up on that stage because she volunteered early, so I'd volunteer even earlier on. Valencia had barely extended her arm out to choose a name when I threw my hand up and yelled out that I volunteered.
Once again, there was a collective groan as I strode up to the stage. I was ecstatic; I had done it! I was going into the arena!
The rest of the ceremony was a blur. I stated my name for the audience, shook hands with Velvet - who didn't look nearly as pretty up close, and then we walked inside the Justice Building.

(Georgia Jalisi's (District Two) P.O.V)
My sister and I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen in our house happily. It's Reaping Day! And better than that, it's my first one! AND, there's a bigger chance of getting picked each year, as it's a Quarter Quell! Sadly, I should probably be fifteen or older before volunteering, so I can have better training in the academy for it. My sister, Alana, is fifteen and telling us that she is going to volunteer this year. I hope I will be a tribute soon, and my mother, sister and I will live peacefully in the Victor's Village.

I brush my teeth and slip on a thin pink dress, covered with rose petals on the shoulders. My mother kisses me, wishes me luck, and then Alana and I run to get our names checked off. I'm a little hesitant when they ask my hand for blood, but soon afterwards I'm alright. I stand in the twelve-year-old section and look at the mayor to start talking. He does some introducing, and then he announces our escort, May Months (funny name, right?).

"Good Morning District 2! Happy Hunger Games. Have a good Quell! And may the odds be EVER in your favour!" she says clearly into her microphone. The children in front of her, including me, cheer in excitement. So do the twenty or so previous victors on the stage. "You should have all watched the District 1 reapings, so we'll get straight down to business. She walks to a glass bowl full of white slips containing different girls names. She puts her hand in, and I wonder whose it is, sadly, it wouldn't be mine, I only have one in there. May unfolds it, and calls out "Georgia Jalisi!". I start to clap politely, then realise she meant me. I shout in happiness, then quickly shut my mouth. There's barely any point walking up - someone's going to volunteer for me in a second.
I step out of the twelve-year-old section and walk up to May. "Well, Well! A very excited young one we have here!" she exclaims, and everyone laughs, including me. "Are there any volunteers?". Instantaneously, I can tell I won't be in this year's games, as my sister's hand shoots out of the sixteen-year-old section, well before any other hands went up. "I volunteer!" Alana screams.
Alana runs out of the sixteen-year-old section, and onto the stage. "Well hello dear, what's your name?" May asks her.
"I'm Alana Jalisi" she replies.
"Well, I can bet you my house that was your sister. Didn't want her to be showing off about winning before you, right?"
"Duh! I can already smell our house in the Victor's Village!" Alana exclaims. "And it'll be because of my success!: May giggles and then says "Well, Alana, it's been nice talking to you, please go and sit next to the mayor to wait for the male tribute".

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