Chapter 5

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Timer in multimedia
--Chapter 5: this suspicious town--

Timer's POV

She's been missing since last night. I am now on the same restaurant.

The old man came too.

"Am i late?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No i just only got here too" i said gesturing him to sit. He sat down.

"Now tell me about outside world" he said.

I told him what he wanted to know about. After all that talking i need water. I drank the water that the waiter gave me.

"Someone kidnapped my friend" i said straight forward.

"Oh i see... If she or he is strong then they'll live... But if they are... Ya know... Then... The opposite will happen" he said...

The glass of water in my hand starting to crack but i ignore it... Until it break to pieces.

I stood up slamming my hand on the table. I walked out of the restaurant.

My way was blocked by a guy, i looked to see to it is, it was just the guy from yesterday.

"Move" i said with a venom on my voice.

He just pull a gun from his side and aim it on my head.

"Well guess what. I am officially a member of this town, and your little friend put up quiet a fight last night." He said.

My hand formed a fist with the blood dripling from my hand where i crashed the glass.

I glare at him menacingly.

He took a step back because of my glare then laugh nervously.

"We even had 'fun' last night but unfortunately she took my left arm, and now i took her life" he said...

Is he mocking me? Now im not just pissed... Im furious...

Get ready to burn to hell bitch...

By now, theres fire surrounding me and and him.

"W-what?!?" He said scared.

I just chuckle and looked at him crazily.

"You will pay-" suddenly an arrow shoot hitting the guy in the foot. And its made of some cristal... Wait... Its ice...

The fire around us burned down.

"AHHH" He screamed.

He looked around and saw someone on the window. She has face mask so i didnt know.

She jumped down to window that is in third floor. She has a woman's clothes so i know shes a girl.

"Hey Timer miss me?" She asked.

That voice.

Then she took her mask off.

"Its me" she said coming nearer to my side and now the fires calmed down.
"Just let the town people handle him will ya? Carry me im sleepy" she said getting on my back.

I chuckle and carried her, but what did she mean by let town people handle him?

The town people surrounds the fight, the shoot him on the shoulder, i look to see who shoot it, it was an old woman that i saw yesterday on restaurant that has pistol on their purse.


"Sure that this town has weirder law and that law is to kill..." The old man paused a second. "Kill those who kills." He finished.

The old man took a blade from god knows where then stab the guy in the throat.

Welp that was done, 504 words
Heres an extra you deserve it
----- Extra a long one------

"Looks like were leaving already" she said.

I just nod and took my cloak.

"Wait" she said stopping me from wearing my cloak.

"What?" I asked.

"Dont wear a cloak, you look good, dont hide it" she said and winked at me.

I chuckle and just kept the hood down

"So were walking towards the next town?" I asked her.

"Who said im walking?" She said.

I gave a confused tilted face.

"You walk" she said then whistle.

I heard some motor noise and i looked behind me, a motor with no one driving is now moving towards us.

"What is that?" I asked pointing at the motor.

"A motor cycle" she said with a smug look on her face.

I just gave a 'really?' Look.

She laughed little...

"Get in and drive, i'll explain later while trying to sleep" she said.

I sighed in defeat and get on the motor that is now stopping in front of us. She sat in the extra seat on my back and she hugged my waist. And i can feel 'it'

I am now a blushing mess, i cleared my throat and focus on driving.

"So where did you get this motor?" I asked.

"Oh this is Clive the motor cycle, i stole it from that guy who stole it from the land of magic." She said.

"Land of magic?" I asked. Yeah i know i have magic, this stupid time travel clock is broken now im stuck here in the centuries. Need to find away to fix it.

"Yeah... But you have magic, how come you dont know about land of magic?" She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Only people in land of magic can have magic" she said...

But on my present time... I already have magic... Im unique cause no one else has one...i think the magic in my time disappeared.

"Were almost there" someone talked.

"It was the motor" titania said.


844 words

the time traveller and the Faceless PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora