Chapter 20

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Woot new chapter and 11,300 reads oh holy satan how did this happen?? 

Jace PoV

I'mfinally turning 19! I was graduating soon, with amazing friends and the most beautiful girlfriend imaginable. I think I want to propose to her soon, maybe on her birthday. I know we're young and it may seem like it's too early, but I love her. We've been together for what, 3 months now, and I'm entirely sure of it. We've been through a lot. She got assaulted with a side dish of concussion, she's in our band and she did amazing at our gig. We've slept together. I don't think I could ask for a better girlfriend, and hopefully soon a better fiancée. 

Anyways, it's my 19th today, so I figure everyone has something special planned, and I'm right. Everyone ignores me most of the day, which sucks. Izzy and Alec even took their own car to school. I didn't mind that part as much though, because it left me alone with Clary for awhile. Clary ends up having to stay late after school for an art project, and I, being a gentleman, stay with her until it was finished. She wants to come over after which I obviously agree to. When we get home there's a surprise party waiting for me! It's incredible, and everyone's gifts are so sweet. The everyone is Izzy, Simon, Magnus, Alec, and of course Maryse and Robert. It's the best night ever.

Clary and I are the last ones in the living room, and she decides it's finally time to give me my present. She told me she'd give it to me when we were alone, which led me to think some pretty inappropriate thoughts. The card is sweet and incredibly loving, and I give her a kiss for that. Though the real gift is definitely the best one of the night. It's concert tickets to see my recent favourite band, BTS, live in concert!! (I want that so bad) I'm so incredibly happy, and there's two tickets, meaning I can take someone with me! (PICK ME!)

"Oh my god! You're the best, I love you!" Oh crap. Did I just say that? Neither of us have said that before! Oh, god, oh god, oh-

"I love you too" she replies shyly. We both smile for a moment before I pull her into a kiss, nothing bad, just a soft, sweet kiss that only lasts a few seconds.

Best birthday ever!

Woot another chapter, also who else really wants those BTS tickets cuz I sure as hell do. That's all for now!

Thanks for reading!

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